eBay Gold

I’ve been thinking there should be a thread dedicated to positive eBay interactions - the mirror to the eBay Garbage thread - that really make our day. (Thx to @zork for the motivation to start it)

Most of us, at e4 especially, are great people. We’ve all had bad experiences to justify our knee-jerk cynicism about eBay, but we should remember that eBay’s community, like this one, also creates lots of great interactions!
So, share 'em all below!



Here’s an older post to start:

I’ve also had great experiences with this seller. =)

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A personal story from yours truly, several years ago, I purchased a magazine promo set from JP and this letter and a few paper cranes came with it. I love buying from JP. While not as many sellers lately include little thank you notes and greeting cards, many still do. This one is probably my favorite from years ago, and I still have the note. :grin:


I picked up this one a while ago off ebay from a Japanese seller


Just a few days ago I sold a card and sent it via Royal Mail’s Special Delivery. It’s supposed to be a next day service, but the tracking didn’t update after showing it had reached the delivery depot. I called Royal Mail and they said they’d investigate it, and it would take up to 10 business days to hear back from them. I messaged the buyer to let them know, and they confirmed they received it safely.

Maybe it’s not a huge thing, but I feel like there are a good number of buyers who would keep quiet/be happy to commit mail fraud in this instance, so shoutout to him.

This note I think I received from a seller on Yahoo, so maybe it doesn’t qualify, but I think it’s worth sharing and in keeping with the spirit of the thread.


Seems like the right thread to say this: bar a few mostly minor things (seller remorse on won items and some poor communication is most of it), my Pokemon experience with eBay was overwhelmingly positive in the years I was buying most actively (2010-2013.)

A solid chunk of the business I did was taken off of eBay, I’d basically use eBay as a way to get in contact with sellers as much as a buying platform. Friendly discourse, paypal gift, smooth sailing. I can’t imagine doing it the same way now, it was a combination of me choosing sellers carefully, some luck and just different times all together.

Bonus gold: They are one of the few places (if not the only) online where I can get big enough New Balance shoes. Usually only a few pairs spread on multiple sellers and usually on the other side of the world which means expensive shipping, but there is a big difference between one pair and zero!


This also reminded me of the finest origami Pikachus I received from a JP seller I’ve ever laid eyes on. Paid them forward to a buyer of mine, I like to think they did the same thing.

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A homemade card I received as packaging :smiling_face_with_tear:


Japanese eBay sellers are the best. I usually get origami, stickers or a thoughtful note with orders. One guy sends these delicious Japanese Bourbon cookies with bigger orders.


+1. I feel like half the stuff from Japan has bonus freebies or a personalised thank-you note/sketch. So awesome. In kind, I now never ship anything without freebies. Just makes the experience so much more fun getting more than you expect!


I’ve had the same experience with Japanese sellers! Amazing packaging, origami, free gifts. They truly appreciate your business, are nice, and understand customer service! Really hoping to get to worlds next year and maybe visit a few card shops.


Is that legal? haha jk… but definitely curious!

Once had a seller send a free booster pack from Detective Pikachu and I pulled the Charizard :joy:



Here’s another recent eBay interaction. Lots of JP sellers are mentioned here. I think it might be a sign… :grin:

I used to work in MarCom, for world-wide distributors, and trying to respect their cultures or local customs always eased relations (cuz I was usually tech support :upside_down_face:). So whenever I deal with international buyers/sellers, I try to greet and thank them in their language. It’s just a little touch, but sometimes it’s greatly appreciated. In this case, the condition was well above expected and care was excellent!

Random side question: Even my JP distributors called me “Vince-san” Does anyone know why, as I’ve always heard the honorific is applied to the last name? Is it cuz I’m a gaijin? :laughing:



Probably because you’ve signed your previous message with ‘-Vince’. :person_shrugging:



Yes, my limited understanding is that “-san” is often attached to a foreigner’s first name rather than their surname.


I made a topic a while ago about inserts of promo cards, I found one but it was with a sealed promo I already had.
Didn’t want to take a double so I prayed the seller to my knees if he would sell me just the insert if he had some left.
He said he would send it to me for free if I had bought something else that I needed.
I did.
He’s my hero and this thread reminded me to save him on ebay (cause I notice now I didn’t at the time) and Imma gonna buy again from him, putting his store in a prefential position, in sign of respect


Not too surprising, since in Japan they say their names as ‘Lastname Firstname’ by default (e.g. I would be Cruijssen Kevin if I was born in Japan, instead of Kevin Cruijssen in the Western world). Maybe not all Japanese people know that, so they’ll say ‘Firstname-san’ thinking it’s the buyer’s last name? :thinking:

Then again, it might have a different reason. Those Japanese honorifics have all kind of different rules. I’ll ask my little brother, who studies Japanese.



I’m hoping that someone with more knowledge than me can answer this question because now I am really curious! :joy:

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I posted the Psyduck drawing before but I also go a Pikachu origami from another Japanese seller (can’t remember who unfortunately!). These always make my day!