I have won 7 items from this guy, who is from the uk. He won’t combine shipping, the reason for this is because he wants tracking on it. I’m from the uk also, and that shipping makes no sense at all. What should I do. Because I don’t intend to pay that much for postage since it was only £1.30 for each item.
As far as I’m aware, sellers are not required to combine shipping costs and/or provide a partial refund for any shipping overpayment. Good sellers usually just do. Once you’ve clicked the buy it now button and/or won the auction, the shipping cost is part of the final cost of the item, so I’m not sure you have any leg to stand on as far as ebay policy goes. I could be wrong though.
Also, your seller may be doing it for the right (albeit uninformed) reason - because eBay determines whether an item was received solely based on tracking, he may be under the understanding that he needs tracking for each listing. He may not know that he can enter the same tracking number for multiple items if he sends them in one package.
When I run into these people I always pay for one item, wait for shipping or even change my address before paying for the next. I make sure if they’re not going to combine my shipping I don’t allow them to combine on their end either.
*To do the multiple shipping destination you need more then one PP account.
The reasonable thing to do on your behalf would have been to ask the seller *before* purchasing multiple items if they combined shipping. They have no obligation to meet your terms after the fact.
Sellers are not obligated to provide combined shipping if they don’t list it in their listing description. GOOD sellers will always be happy to combine because they know they will have a return customer (don’t step over a dollar to save a penny). The only exception to this is eBays GSP which makes it impossible to combine ship if one item is already paid for.
Just don’t pay for the cards and request to cancel the order. Anyone that will not combine shipping for cards is obnoxious. I can understand not combining shipping for large bulky items where it is too difficult to work out what combined shipping might be or the items are difficult to ship together. When your just shoving a couple more cards into an envelope or bubble mailer and trying to charge someone individual shipping, that’s just gouging in my mind and I don’t see how it could be anything but intentional. You see, some people factor their profit in to part of the shipping and handling fee. This fee is for shipping and handling and using it for making an extra buck per item should be against eBay’s policy. Although, I don’t sit around and read policy all day, so I don’t know.
In my shipping charges, i charge shipping and handling. I also dont combine shipping anymore because of tracking and if something goes wrong…im not going to lose on multiple auctions, so those could both reasons. Also I think if you knew the shipping cost first before biddong, but failed to ask if seller would combine shipping, you just need to suck it up and pay for all these.
I think the most you can do is after you recieve the items. provide feedback accordingly (star rating system). As buyers, you are able to rate the seller based on their shipping costs.
Like a lot of you know, many of my items are free world shipping but…
Why would you use the star system to penalize a seller for following through on his shipping rules? There’s only one thing worse than a seller not combining shipping and that’s a buyer complaining about it.
Then what’s the point of the shipping cost stars for? It’s a feature on eBay and other people use it so I don’t see why OP can’t use it. There’s nothing OP can do in This situation other than to give honest feedback.
if one is presented with two sellers. One that offers free shipping, and combined shipping. And the other who refuses to combine shipping even when customers request it ,I’m pretty sure customers would prefer the first and the stars is just to demonstrate that.
I’ve always wondered the same thing. It’s stupid. Years ago there were no eBay fees on shipping charges so people would sell a 55.00 item for 5.00 and charge 50.00 for shipping and only pay fees on 5.00 lol. Then you needed those stars.
My suggestion is take a little responsibility for yourself. Figure the total cost of an item then buy it if you like.
Some people don’t understand how the combined shipping rule works… when buying bulk auctions. Some sellers will list say, for example, thirty auctions starting at $0.99 with $2.89 shipping cost (the price of a first class package label). Say you win 10 of them for 0.99 ea. and ask for an invoice and the seller sends an invoice of $9.90 plus $28.90 shipping… that’s where a rating system like that becomes relevant again.
I won an auction last week and I asked the seller if he minded if I waited until another one of his auctions ended before paying so I could avoid paying 2 lots of shipping if I won. He had 0 problem with it and I ended up paying earlier than he probably expected since the 2nd card went above my max.
Moral is always ask beforehand, sure some sellers will combine and others won’t. Just make sure you have all the info you want before it’s too late.
Lots of people don’t realize how the combined shipping rule works on eBay even before bidding. For most people it’s not intuitive to think about paying $28.00 for a first class envelope.