English VS series cards

I am curious on what info i can find on the english vs series cards. I remember seeing a youtube video about them being given out at a tournament years ago. Dont remember if there were even pictures or not but i figured someone here may have pictures or just have some type of general info. Cant find anything online about them

Here are scans (not mine)

and some info at the bottom:


Nicee thank you!! I missed out on that tropical breeze card recently unfortunately on ebay. Im hoping to own one of these cards one day. Trying to make that happen!

When was an English Tropical Breeze on eBay?:thinking:?


There are a few on there now but the one i missed out on was in decent shape

I lied lol i thought it was the english tropical breeze card and was not. They look very similar lol

Started to say, I don’t remember that one coming across eBay anytime recently.