Europe's Largest Insect Collector

This isn’t even my own collection, but I thought it was interesting enough to share when it popped up on my Facebook newsfeed. This guy collects and breeds exotic insects and said that it was like collecting Pokemon cards. To each their own I guess. :grin:

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Lol I saw this on Facebook as well, I love seeing Pokemon get referenced in random things

I recently heard about this collection. Apparently about 1,000 species are “new to science”. Where would we be without collectors. :blush: :relieved:


Well I have kept caterpillars, mantids, and giant beetles. It is fun but they are pets and must be treated like living creatures, not things. Still cool collector though.

I used to have a terrarium with phasmids (walking-stick bug) in it, they were quite the banger, especially cause they were invisible 90% of the time, which is great when you wanna clean their habitat and you actively get to play hide and seek in order to temporarily move them over lol.

I was quite young and friends kept asking what was in it :blush:
Or wether i just had a empty terrarium :confused:


lol 1 second, and i am scared… haha