EX Dragon Frontiers/さいはての攻防 official items

An attempt at making a guide to all EX Dragon Frontiers/さいはての攻防 official items:

English, Italian, French, German set: EX Dragon Frontiers
101 set cards + 89 reverse set cards

Sealed card items:

  • Standard booster box of 36 packs

  • Four art packs with 9 cards inside

  • Two theme decks: Power Wave and Shadow Blaze

  • Single pack blister

  • Three pack blister (2 EX Dragon Frontiers packs and 1 EX Deoxys/EX Legend Maker pack + holo Plusle/Minun)*

  • Two pack blister (1 EX Dragon Frontiers pack and 1 POP2 pack + holo Pikachu)*

Credit to pokemontcgcheese

Ultra Pro EX Dragon Frontiers Portfolio*:* 9 pocket portfolio


  • 4 pocket portfolio

Prerelease items*:* EX Dragon Frontiers logo pin


  • Prerelease stamped Dragonair


Promotional items*:* Large poster


  • Small poster

Other*:* Professor Program 2006-2007 stamped ‘Professor Elm’s Training Method’


  • World Championship deck cards

*= English only pending evidence that proves otherwise

Japanese set: さいはての攻防 - Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends68 set cards + constructed deck sets 1ED/UNL

Sealed card items:* Standard booster box of 20 packs 1ED/UNL


  • One pack art with 11 cards inside 1ED/UNL

  • Two constructed decks: Shockwave and Imprison 1ED/UNL

Promotional items:

  • Flyer

  • Poster

  • Sticker

Other:* Jumbo unnumbered black star promo cards: Tyranitar ex and Gardevoir ex from the constructed decks


Added images.

links: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4


As this is one of my favorite sets I love this thread. Great work!

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Love dragon frontiers! Thanks for the great work.

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@quuador , tagging you to ask something:

The pop4 holo Pikachu that was added to the 2 pack blisters exists in English and French I gathered from your sheet/docs. Any idea how the French one was distributed?

Also wondering if maybe some info can be gathered about official items from distributor listings from back then

Unfortunately I don’t know. I’ve tried to search for it just yet with the French set name, but nothing pops up. I would assume it’s released in a similar matter as in English in a two-pack blister, but I’m not sure. The POP9 Pikachu is for example also Holofoil in French, but non-holo in all other languages, so that one definitely had a different release. Unfortunately I don’t know a French wiki with more information than Bulbapedia. Here it for example only mentions it’s available as holo and non-holo, but no information whatsoever as to where to find them…

Btw, one thing you forgot in your list: some of the World Championship Decks of 2007 and 2008 contain cards from EX Dragon Frontier as well. I haven’t looked closely at which yet, but Flyvees of 2007 contains a few (i.e. Flygon ex; Vibrava; etc.) and Empotech of 2008 contains the Mew Gold Star, to give some examples. Here a list of all World Championship Decks if you want to go through them.


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Thanks!I thought about including them but I haven’t gotten the decks myself and opened them myself yet. I think I got all the EX Dragon Frontiers cards from them but want to confirm it first :blush:

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I’m unsure if it fits the criteria of what you’re looking for, but there are quite a few other multi-pack blisters with DF that you don’t have listed. Like I had a Piplup blister with DF/HP/PK, an eeveelutions DF/LM blister, and a blister with 1x DF + 2x DP/P packs. These aren’t official Dragon Frontiers merchandise, but it doesn’t look like the Minun blister is either (correct me if I’m wrong)?

Anyway, very good idea for a thread. We should have a similar thread for every set, honestly.

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Though I considered them for a bit I decided against including those items since they:* Don’t have the EX Dragon Frontiers art style on the cardboard

  • Mention “EX series booster(s)” or something like that on the back when talking about the contents and no mention of “EX Dragon Frontiers”

The Minun/Plusle blister checks those two points!



This is great! Well done!

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If anyone has any info to share feel free to post it.
Still missing a lot of info about the non-english international release items.
Also any info about the small poster is also welcome, just learned about it a few days before this thread.

I could probably make a similar thread about EX Crystal Guardians when I got time, not nearly as knowledgeable about other sets.
Though this thread didn’t require much extra research on my part right before making it. It’s a long process to try to learn all there is to a set :blush:

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Some new stuff surfaced… Will have to do some research and update the thread!

Might not be something your interested in adding but the prerelease card came sealed in a pack of 10 :blush:


I thought they did but this is the first image I see of them! Thanks!

A new poster spotted! (and purchased)

Did some European stores get deck blisters? It seems like they did:
The poster of this item removed their listing and didn’t reply to any messages I sent them. It does look very legit though! Asmodee was the distributor of PTCG products in many European countries. Still a lot of mystery surrounds this kind thing. Never have I seen an item like this before. What’s also interesting is the “Fabrique en Belgique. Piece fabriquee au Japon.” written on the back…

I won’t update the main post with this item yet. I need more info first :blush:


I just saw I never mentioned the following: I don’t know if there is a source on who made some of the pack/booster box art in the past, but with the purchase of this poster I can confirm that for さいはての攻防 the art was done by Suwama Chiaki! If you look at and you might recognize the style!

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one of my favorite sets. I have a complete set but lost 12 cards somehow while moving into our new house.

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