The pop4 holo Pikachu that was added to the 2 pack blisters exists in English and French I gathered from your sheet/docs. Any idea how the French one was distributed?
Also wondering if maybe some info can be gathered about official items from distributor listings from back then
Unfortunately I don’t know. I’ve tried to search for it just yet with the French set name, but nothing pops up. I would assume it’s released in a similar matter as in English in a two-pack blister, but I’m not sure. The POP9 Pikachu is for example also Holofoil in French, but non-holo in all other languages, so that one definitely had a different release. Unfortunately I don’t know a French wiki with more information than Bulbapedia. Here it for example only mentions it’s available as holo and non-holo, but no information whatsoever as to where to find them…
Thanks!I thought about including them but I haven’t gotten the decks myself and opened them myself yet. I think I got all the EX Dragon Frontiers cards from them but want to confirm it first
I’m unsure if it fits the criteria of what you’re looking for, but there are quite a few other multi-pack blisters with DF that you don’t have listed. Like I had a Piplup blister with DF/HP/PK, an eeveelutions DF/LM blister, and a blister with 1x DF + 2x DP/P packs. These aren’t official Dragon Frontiers merchandise, but it doesn’t look like the Minun blister is either (correct me if I’m wrong)?
Anyway, very good idea for a thread. We should have a similar thread for every set, honestly.
If anyone has any info to share feel free to post it.
Still missing a lot of info about the non-english international release items.
Also any info about the small poster is also welcome, just learned about it a few days before this thread.
I could probably make a similar thread about EX Crystal Guardians when I got time, not nearly as knowledgeable about other sets.
Though this thread didn’t require much extra research on my part right before making it. It’s a long process to try to learn all there is to a set
The poster of this item removed their listing and didn’t reply to any messages I sent them. It does look very legit though! Asmodee was the distributor of PTCG products in many European countries. Still a lot of mystery surrounds this kind thing. Never have I seen an item like this before. What’s also interesting is the “Fabrique en Belgique. Piece fabriquee au Japon.” written on the back…
I won’t update the main post with this item yet. I need more info first
I just saw I never mentioned the following: I don’t know if there is a source on who made some of the pack/booster box art in the past, but with the purchase of this poster I can confirm that for さいはての攻防 the art was done by Suwama Chiaki! If you look at and you might recognize the style!