I’ve noticed a couple sellers with fake Japanese Neo 2 packs recently. Pretty easy to spot though, the top flap is completely smooth with no texture/checkering, and the bottom flap has weird crimping as well. And no crimp along the back flap either.
Thanks for the heads up! I’m a newer collector and recently bought a Neo 2 Japanese booster pack so had to double check mine. Fortunately mine looks good.
These were all over mercari and tons of people were buying them then relisting them or it could have been multiple accounts from the same seller. really sad and these are pretty obvious but not to newer collectors I’m sure
Yes. All the same seller who has changed their username a couple of times. It’s currently “Game Stop!” If you check their selling history, they’ve sold multiple fake Neo Discovery packs, along with Neo Genesis. I’ve tried reporting each listing as counterfeit, but the seller is still up.