For most cards that are Japanese exclusives and they don’t show up on ebay, your best other option is to look it up on yahoo auctions or ヤフオク. If you’re having trouble just look up the name of Fan Club Magicarp in Japanese and it should pop up within the first two or three search results.
This is the second ebay listing you are talking about? Crazy to think the same card has been listed for nearly one year, back then it was considered overpriced and now the demand is so high $700 is fine price for ~near mint copy.
Haha yes, that one and the psa 10 one were the only two sales I had for references. Not sure on how prices were a year ago as I just got back into things ~6 months ago, but even in my 6 months it seems prices for most everything has been on the rise.
Did not know that this card had been listed for a year however. Hoping I can acquire one for myself before prices get out of my budget range!