Hello All,
As the trees start to change here in the northern US, and I’m bombarded with ads for pumpkin spice everything, it’s reminded me of how much I enjoy fall.
What is your favorite fall/autumn themed card? Here is one of mine
Hello All,
As the trees start to change here in the northern US, and I’m bombarded with ads for pumpkin spice everything, it’s reminded me of how much I enjoy fall.
What is your favorite fall/autumn themed card? Here is one of mine
My favorite part of autumn are those 2-3 weeks in September when it’s still T-shirt weather, there are still some berries, the sun doesn’t go down until 9 PM but the trees are changing into reds and yellows and the air is getting colder. One of the hallmarks of that period are these guys congregating at sunset, singing as they fly. Hearing the pitch go up and down as they dive, the whooshing sound they make. With all the purples and reds of autumnal sunsets before the twilight.
I will look through the binders to find my favorite, but for now, here is a version of Leafeon I wish was made into a shiny, regional form, seasonal, etc
I’m picking a pair of Peaceful Park pals!
Google tells me Apple Picking Season is late Summer to late October, so I am counting this as a fall themed card 🫶🏼
When you have a kid in daycare this is a fall themed card
The orange flowers make me think of Fall, but this could also work for Spring.