So something that I have noticed a fair bit of, is when I play the games there are Pokemon I have absolutely no time for and actively dislike. When I see them in the TCG, I normally am not swayed. But there are definitely cards that have completely changed my overall opinion for a Pokemon that I had a negative view on.
I don’t know if it’s enough for me to pick him as a starter! But he’s almost made me a believer, and these are some of my favourites in my main collection.
Be really interested to see if others have similar?
Gotta be shining magikarp for me. The only reason you’d get magikarp in the game is to switch it out to steal to eventually get a Gyarados. In the card game, it was the same deal. Just a stepping stone to level up.
This card changed that idea. The art is S-tier on top of it being a shining card which was an absolute home run in Neo. Fan club magikarp and unikarp are amazing too. Love this card
Edit: " X P " turned into an emjoi but it’s funny so gonna leave it
I was about to post my favorite artwork of my most disliked Pokémon of each generation, but a lot of those Pokémon don’t even have any good artwork to begin with… If anyone is curious, my most disliked Pokémon per generation are: Hypno; Larvitar; Silcoon; Budew; Simipour; Quiladin; Blacephalon; and Eternatus.
Anyway, here some amazing artworks from the first three:
For the rest of the Pokemon that I dislike I couldn’t even find cards that I like. Some may have a nice background etc but the Pokemon itself ruins it for me