Felt Hat Pikachu Market Discussion

It’s this time of year again for PC Promos…

$150 for a Felt Hat Pikachu :skull_and_crossbones:

The hype is insane for a fake munch promo, I wish it was Japanese instead

This will go on until the next shiny thing comes around. It’s the same with every set and every promo. 3–6 months waiting or waiting until the attention shifts to something else.


I’m a casual collector and this is the only release I’ve been involved in.

It’s expected PSA 10 prices will decrease once more are graded in the following months, but if the release of the leftover cards from the museum with retailers in the Netherlands is the last time this card can be obtained without buying from resellers, I think raw will easily remain over $100 and the PSA 10 price will creep up.

So many people living where this card was available didn’t get it. Combine that with the interest from other countries where this card wasn’t available. Yes, it’s very hyped currently, but I think demand will still be high once things cool down since Van Gogh+Pokémon.

And while not the hardest to grade, it’s certainly not the easiest. I’m trying to find a second clean copy and many of the cards I’ve looked at don’t pass the corner check.

Just my thoughts!


The demand is so strong for this card the price will continue to rise. People were talking in the other thread thought after the second wave prices were going to 30. Here we are at 150+. Its going to plataeu eventually but i see upside potential for sure.
Too bad i sold all of mine instantly on release already besides the two im holding sealed and the two i graded.

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Crypto prices are way up and this is not an easy 10 grade as of yet. Prepare for the moon


I feel like a felt hat would be itchy


So many people are saying they are waiting for the price to go down, I feel like I should buy now.

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Its one of those cards that anyone who owns it will try to own more than one copy. The price at $150 is absurd if you compare it to being a free promo, but its value may be more than $150.

Think about it, it is probably the most hyped promo of 2023, you could even argue its the most hyped promo since Scream Pika. Owning one is probably a no brainer for anyone who collects

a) Pikachus
b) Full Arts
c) Storied Cards
d) Promos

I don’t think there is any $150 card out there that has as much value as the Felt Hat Pika. But with that said, it is an extremely hyped card. Overhyped? Sure, maybe. High demand? Absolutely.

I also think the price is at $150 because of the 50/50 chance of grading a 10. A 10 is $600 and a 9 is $200. EV is $400 for a grading a well-centered copy. This is very good odds since grading your own is around $200 ($150 sealed plus grading cost of $40 and return shipping). There is no better value.

A truck load more will be graded, I have zero doubt about that. Almost 1200 PSA 10 copies already and we might see 10,000 PSA 10s by the end of next year.

But hey, TODAY, in terms of value, its still there.

I think a decent strategy is to buy slowly. One well-centered sealed copy a week or a month and see how things shake out, price goes up, good. Price goes down, buy another one. Its a good enough card to warrant multiple copies.


im so glad i was fortunate enough to make it through the terrible release and get a copy from pcenter. I hope it goes down a lot, but I feel the demand is just sooo much and the number of copies has barely scratched that of equally popular (or similarly popular) promos like the SD Zard. $150 does seem like a lot to me, but I also thought the card would be well under $50 by now…

I do believe we haven’t seen the last of this card though. There is just no way that TPCI doesn’t print a metric ton of these to offload all this SV era product.

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Yeah, considering they nearly went ahead with not giving people their promos but not accepting refunds and cancellations for dead product.

I’d be surprised if they don’t print more considering how much worse SV era product is doing.

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It’s a limited printing and it’s Pikachu. Will be the talk of the town until we get another limited printing Pikachu (oh wait we did in Classic Collection :thinking:)

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I have definitely thought about selling my copies with the rise in price, as it seems the hype always moves quickly. That said, I really have nothing I need the money for and the card is incredible and has the fundamentals to do well long term, so I’m gonna stick with just having as many as I can. :laughing: