
spending money you dont have to supply this new urge to collect pokemon… loans signed, credit cards made, withdrawaling from untouched savings… all for desire to collect and take part in this childhood hobby again.
fast forward a few months now all of a sudden you are seeing better grades at lower costs and better items that werent there before. so on so forth. your special items seems less special now. its like watching your diamonds morph into cubic zirconia before your eyes

not here for a finance lesson or to hear how im irresponsible and its my fault…im aware nobody else over spent my money, i just got caught in the fun . i knew pokemon cards were a gamble, and im mostly happy with my buys…as im intending to keep most of it for myself…BUT

… some of these buys make me sick… its hard to think about the money i threw away on bad decisions as a new collector

some of them eat me up and will be hard to recover from. anybody else have storys of huge loss or bad buys or anything they wish they could take back???


Gimme some examples of your bad purchases and prices, I want to see how bad they were

If you are the one that bought my Bulbasaur for $15k, I wish to thank you


Always study before getting all into something for the fomo


The only collecting decisions I regret are from selling things that subsequently increased in value by a dramatic amount. The only times I recall losing money through my collecting hobbies was from pimping out standard decks in MTG and forgetting to sell them before rotation lol. Don’t really regret those times, though, because I got a lot of use and fun out of the decks…but still definitely lost money.


you can’t just not show us now


Sometimes I buy a raw card that I thought was mintier than it was in the pics. But that’s the risk you take buying raw. I’d say overall my raw purchases do well but there are those raw buys that you wish you could definitely take back. But I don’t drop big monies on raw, I save that for safer purchases like PSA slabs.

I want to see some loss porn. Show us what sort of awful purchases you made!


The tone of this post leads me believe you may have purchased a Bulbasaur for $30k…

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You seem like you’ve learned some things from this experience. Hopefully they end up being more valuable than the money you’ve spent to learn them.

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Can we have a megathread for losses just like r/wallstreetbets?

Also, what did you buy?


I bought two special delivery Pikachus for $250 each. Mind you, this was when they were going for $300+ so I thought I was getting a good deal. I fomo’d hard because I remembered seeing them go for $70-$80 not even a month earlier.

That’s not really loss porn, that’s market value porn. They’ll go up again eventually once the market absorbs all the flips hitting ebay.

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I feel like the only way to really lose money on Pokemon cards is to buy sealed product and rip it. Unless you buy without doing basic research.

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Sounds like you bought psa 9 base set zard for 6k

yeah I suppose it’s not truly a loss so much as it is a case of fomo. Both the copies I bought are at PSA now.

You can definitely lose “value” in many ways especially as a newer buyer entering within the last year or so but opening sealed product is definitely pure gambling. Fun though!

I paid 4.6k for a pikachu card that went in auction for 3k 2 weeks later , however that 4.6k was paid for by jungle psa 10 1st edition commons and played japanese base set charizards so, I ain’t sweatin.

I’m eager to see more lossposting.

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I bought battlestyles for 169,99€ on ebay and now it sells for 139,99€ and less maybe?
My only loss so far I think. Huge wow so sad


just bought a $5000 1st ed zard because im sick of looking at my bgs 2 i spent 4k on only 3 weeks prior

neither card i can afford TBH… using credit and savings n stuff . but i pulled the trigger on the 4k one night to complete my zard collection once and for all… and… recieved it and frankly couldn’t stand looking at it after the first couple days (scratched worn corners etc) i thought i could tolerate but nope… so i bought a psa 5 a few weeks after. granted it looks great and happy with this new one . but i added almost 10k of debt to my name i didn’t plan on adding

the 4k was my impulse crazy purchase but didnt satisfy me so i doubled up my debt just to scratch an itch… now the 4k wont sell so i have both and cant afford either… whoops