French Magikarp Collection

Hello, my name is Mr Magicarpe, I am 29 years old.
I collect magikarp since 2015.
Here are links to see my collection

I’m going to take pictures of my albums soon


I have always had a love of Magikarp being a Gyarados collector but could never realistically see myself collecting both.

It’s collections like yours that fill that little hole in me that wants to collect it. I absolutely love your collection and the little figurines too make me want to get a couple of them myself.

I have 1 question: Why Magikarp?


Thank you
magikarp because it’s a useless pokemon, bad. it’s discrimination and I do not like it, so I wanted to give it a huge importance


Very nice collection. I especially like the Lego one in your avatar, as well as the Unikarp. :blush:

And we actually have two other Magikarp collectors here on the forum (maybe more, but two I’m aware of): @stephneechan (here her collection thread) and @megacon (not sure if he has a collection thread).

Either way, welcome on the forum! Looking forward seeing some of your album pictures.
Oh, and if you need a list of all existing English and Japanese Magikarp TCG cards, I’ve made a list in the past (little outdated though).



Thank you so much.

I saw the collection of stephneechan, it is with this collection that I discovered this forum

Yes i want this list please x) 3 hours i’m looking for it haha

My list is in 2nd link of my presentation.

All languages ​​magikarp TCG cards


Ah, I hadn’t noticed that link yet. I will look at it more closely later on and see whether any are missing. :blush:

And based on all the green your progress is pretty good as well! Keep it up.


Looks great, do you have any particular favourite items/ cards that you’ve collected so far?

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Sorry for the wait, here are the Pick of my collection.


I love your reasoning and collection :+1:t5::+1:t5:

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Hah great reasoning! I like magikarp because it is such a derp pokemon and I think it makes it fun. :blush:

Awesome collection. Always great to see another Magikarp collector. I need to find the time to compare my list to yours.
My list has 396 unique Magikarp tcg cards, this doesn’t include cards that feature him or non tcg. I’m currently at 272 card… I’ve got a long way to go yet.


272 cards, really good =) I’m currently at 361 cards

Thank you ^^ I like to meet other fan of magikarp ^^

I have a lot of double that I can trade against the one I’m looking for :wink:

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I love true collectors:)

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Hello, 3 new cards for my collection.

Last Portuguese Code for Ex Deoxys :heart_eyes:


You put my Gyarados card collection to shame and I still absolutely love it!

Hello new card for my collection :heart_eyes:
I’am extremely happy HAPPY


Holy shit that shining magikarp is dead!

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That snap Karp is so casually placed amongst those other cards I nearly missed it, big congrats.

edit: false alarm

Is that an actual genuine Snap Magikarp or is it a reproduction copy? If it’s the real deal that’s the first one I’ve ever seen in the wild. The authentic Shining Magikarp on the left is very nice as well, you can see it did a lot of swimming in its lifetime. A wet karp is a happy karp!

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awesome magikarp collection.

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