Full Art collectors and info

Hey guys. Just wanted to know if any of you are big Full Art collectors, and could answer some questions for me, such as particular difficult ones to grade, most expensive, pull rates from different corresponding eras, etc.

My pull rate on full arts for evolutions was 2 per box. My friend however did open a few boxes that had 4 full arts (one had 5) and he opened one that that no full arts. I think his average is about 2.5 full arts per box.

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I’d consider myself a full art collector, here’s my experience:


  • Pull rates vary between sets. Most of the BW era is a 50% chance per box. Same with the XY era but some sets like Tidal Storm/Gaia Volcano/Emerald Break had rates closer to 75%/box, and Bandit Ring was around 85%/box. SM seems to be back at 50%/box.
    -Japanese FAs are probably the easiest cards to grade 10s when you pull them pack fresh. Of course older cards are going to be harder to grade cause it’s harder to find them mint, but chances are any mint BW/XY FA is going to have a good chance at a 10. SM FAs seem to have printing lines which may decrease their rates of 10s. Most expensive ones are probably Darkrai, Mewtwo, Rayquaza, and Shaymin.

-Pull rates vary vastly between eras. In the BW era you’ll be lucky to get one in a box. XY is probably 1-2 per box, later in the XY era (PRC-on) 3-4 is not unheard of if you’re super lucky.
-English FAs are probably the hardest cards to grade 10s and their prices reflect that. Most English FAs have POPs between 3-8. Card quality varies extensively between sets. Flashfire and Primal Clash are trash quality, while Phantom Forces, Roaring Skies, and Evolutions have less shitty quality. Most English FA prices are dictated by their playability so ones like Giratina, Hoopa, and Shaymin are the most expensive. Don’t confuse that with collectible value, even though a Hoopa FA is worth more than a Charizard FA, the Charizard is worth much more as a PSA 10.


Lol you literally confirmed all my theories just now haha. I definitely noticed the increasingly easier pull rates in ascending eras, and can confirm your numbers from pulls per box, at this point. Im trying to collect gold label bgs full arts that are notoriously bad, like lysandre from Flashfire, gold secret rare full arts from Legendary Treasures, Dragons Exalted full arts, etc. What do you think the hardest ones to grade are, in your opinion? I know individual and box prices, era, language, and popularity are factors, and i have my theories, but just wanna hear your assertions.

Yeah, id say my average was 2-3, as well. Ive noticed evolutions and more recent sets have easier pull rates. PSA has also seemed to become far more lax on grades with the corresponding sets lol. Sucks that all my full arts im still needing are from older sets haha

Please go on to tell me the value of my pop 1 card :joy:

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Which card would that be? lol

FA Hoopa EX, PSA 10.

Ohh, okay. Shouldve guessed that from your profile pic lol. I didnt know that was a POP 1 haha

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That just means i have another difficult full art to get lol.

Good luck :wink:

Playability and a lack of collectors desire for the card has meant that it’s hard to find truly Mint copies.

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Lol i feel ya. Zekrom and them might be more expensive and good listings few and far between, but ive noticed not alot of people carry or sell minty versions of cards like this. But i enjoy the different factors in finding the mint versions of cards. Makes the hunt vary from time to time and keep it interesting, ya know? Haha

I’m lucky this popped up at the right time for the right price. I’ve already had two offers on it for almost double what I paid.

Yeah, thats always cool to get that one lucky listing that pays off in the end. I found a gold label Lysandre right off the bat for pretty cheap, and found some pretty promising Zekroms after sending out some feelers, so crossin my fingers that it works out, and the luck streak progresses to Dragons Exalted and Ancient Origins haha

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