I’m curious why I’ve never really heard of this card until recently. I’ve heard people claim that it came from a test run, but I haven’t heard anything about that before now. I know that Fossil Zapdos is printed with the galaxy foil in a few renditions, so I’m curious if maybe the muk is from something like that. But I was just wondering if this Muk is a legitimate Error card, or something actually worth the money.
English cosmos Fossil cards are legitimate variants and extremely rare. We’ll never know if they are errors or a test print, but all share a 1999 copyright date. The only common release would be the cosmos Zapdos as mentioned, that has a 1999-2000 copyright and came from a gift box set.
Firstly, you seem to have been mixed-up about the difference between galaxy and cosmos holo.It’s a bit confusing but:
-Galaxy holo = Star pattern (used in Base,Jg,Fossil,Legendary Collection)
-Cosmos holo = Dotted bubble pattern (used in Base 2 (the set released after fossil), Rocket,neo,etc)
-The Cosmos Holo Fossils is a variant/error/misprint that most collectors dont know exist due to not really appearing much but I believe its first documentation was by TCA gaming around 2013 and if memory serves me correctly, he obtained it from the Washington Seattle area. If you didnt know already, Washington Seattle is home to WOTC headquarters. Every source of these Fossil Cosmos seems to connect back to the Washington area which just cant be pure coincidence. I’m assuming your post about the cosmos foil muk is based on the recent $3250 ebay listing, and what do you know, the seller is based from Washington! If anyone reading this is from Seattle, perhaps have a look at your local card shops.
-About the zapdos you mentioned, a fossil zapdos with the cosmos holofoil with a 1999-2000 copyright came in these Thunderstorm gift box sets and hence its a fairly available card on the market. Thus if you ever see a 1999 copyright cosmos zapdos, thats is the rarer variant that comes from the cosmos holo fossil set.
-An additional misconception is that the cosmos holo fossils are related to the red-logo Australian print, which it is not. Holos pulled from red logo packs are your standard fossil unlimited holos with the galaxy foil.
The other common release is the gold stamp 1st ed prerelease Aerodactyl, which has the cosmos holo. For fun that means there are:
-5 variants of Fossil Holo aerodactyl (1st ed, unl, prerelease gold stamp, prerelease brown stamp, cosmos)
-5 variants of Fossil Holo zapdos (1st ed, unl, unl corrected, cosmos 1999, cosmos 1999-2000)
(all 1st ed zapdos holos have that evolution box error, it was still an error in the unlimited fossil release, but some got corrected)
Wow, thanks for the good read. I’m learning a heck of a lot pretty quick haha! And I’m not sure if the seller is connected, but one popped up on reddit the other day as well. My guess is they are connected. My initial hunch was that it was either complete crap or maybe it was legitimate but not that rare, similar to the Zapdos. Until now I had considered myself pretty up to date on the cards that exist, but I guess I’ve still got some learning to do. Thanks again!