So, we (almost) all know Base Set has some 1st edition Grey stamps. It’s been known for quite a while now.
With the Grey stamps of the Base Set, @pokemonrevolution had a pretty convincing theory. The ink wasn’t properly dried yet, and got stuck to the back side of some other cards. This also explains the imprinted back stamps we sometimes see in 1st edition Base Set cards (see the same linked thread).
But lately (at least, I’ve only seen them myself lately, they obviously already existed since the beginning), a lot more grey stamps and cards of other sets pop up. We’ve got this Shadowed Base Set Machamp with a Grey 1st edition stamp for example, which is owned by @scratchdesk (I know, it’s still Base set, but printed later - hence the Shadowed instead of Shadowless):
Then we had a Grey stamp Gym Challenge Charizard owned by @fireftw87 :
I then came across some Grey stamps from a single seller. It included both Grey stamps from Neo Genesis and Gym Heroes. I’ve only bought the Neo Genesis Pikachu, which arrived today. Unfortunately the seller no longer sells the other Grey stamps, otherwise I might have picked them up as well.
Here is my Grey stamp Neo Genesis Pikachu (on the front), next to a regular Black stamped one (at the back):
Because I had never seen Grey stamps in other sets before, and the seller had quite a few of them, I was first doubting their legitimacy. But now that I see that the stamp is at the exact same place, and looks exactly the same (except for being Grey instead of Black), and I also saw some Grey stamps in Rusty’s (@thecharizardauthorty ) recent videos, I’m convinced it’s real.
Here is a Grey stamp Neo Genesis card from Rusty’s collection (timestamp 1:00):
And here are six Grey stamp Gym Heroes cards (timestamp 15:18):
So, those are the Grey 1st edition stamps.
Rusty also mentions some Grey set symbol Skyridge cards (video 1/10 timestamp 11:49), a Grey printed Gold Reshiram (video 6/10 timestamp 10:20), etc.
And I’ve also seen this Grey printed Surfing Pikachu, now (unfortunately ) in the possession of @megacon :
So, what do you guys think about these Grey printed cards from sets other than Base set? Most of them are probably one-of-a-kind occurrences, unlike the Base Set Grey stamps.
Does anyone have (seen) any other Grey stamped cards? (PS: If you have any Pikachus, I’m of course interested in buying them. )