Guess the Pokemon cries

Come on in and test your Tism :smiley:

Share a screenshot of your first attempt!
I think I got lucky with some really recognizable cries.



Impressive! Is Gen 3 simply the most memorable for you, or was it your first?

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Not my first generation but probably my favorite all in all!

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Gen 2, 3,4 are actually more tricky.
But how was it exactly 8/10 for all 3? :sob:

Gen One is actually kinda tricky because some Pokémon’s cries are essentially reused for multiple Pokémon and only ever so slightly different. Like these two


Yes, it’s kinda tricky, but the ending sound for Starmie is different from Mewtwo :nerd_face:

You’re right, I just listened to them side by side and it’s not the best example lol

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Here’s some better examples!


Apparently, when you’ve never played a Pokémon game in your life and you’re just guessing based on what the sound sounds like the most for the given four choices, doesn’t really work… at all. :sweat_smile:



Try Gen 5 and onwards. Never played anything beyond Gen 4 but still got 5/10 :joy:

Edit: And you never played the Games as a kid?

This dude has the most impressive knowledge I’ve seen on this topic. The battle factory is incredibly hard as is, but blindfolded and going based on cry alone is nuts

It’s easy when the options are put in front of you. Last three gens were mostly educated guesses


I may do more later, but this is what I have so far. Actually, did Gen 3 just now and got 4/10 lmao

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Nope. I only ever collected the TCG cards and watched the anime, that’s it. (I also don’t know how to play the PTCG either. Nor have I ever owned any other console games, like GameBoy, Nintendo, Xbox, GameCube, etc. I only ever had a PC, although I did play some console games at friend’s places.)

The only little Pokémon game I owned and played as a kid was this little PokéBall you had to shake to throw a PokéBall within the game (either to get out your own Pokémon or catch a Pokémon). It took a bit of trouble to find it through google just yet, since there are a lot of PokéBall-shaped games with small LCD screens, but apparently it’s called the Advanced Cyber PokéBall from 2004 (made by Bandai). Here is a video, which gave me some nostalgia just yet. :smiley:

I kinda regret throwing mine away years ago, probably during a move.
