Guide to Understanding Base Set Machamp 8/102 Variants

Hello everyone,

This post serves to educate people on the many variants of Base Set Machamp 8/102. There are a total of five variants of this card, outlined below. I’m choosing to exclude thin vs thick stamp variants, but you can read more about those here.

Happy collecting

1st Edition Shadowless Holo

1st Edition Holo
Note: All holofoil variants of this card were printed with the 1st Edition stamp, meaning there are no regular Unlimited prints.

1st Edition Holo (1999-2000)
Note: The only difference between this card and the one above is the Copyright date.

1st Edition - Cosmos Holo
Note: This card has a Cosmos holofoil pattern instead of the standard Galaxy pattern. This card came from the 2000 Pokemon 2-Player CD-Rom Starter Set.

Trainer Deck A
Note: This is the only Base Set Machamp card without a 1st Edition stamp. The back side of this card
has a red border instead of a blue border and also reads “Trainer Deck A”. This card is also not holographic.


@nevyn Neat, thanks. I’ll add the 1999-2000 copyright one. I’m excluding the thin vs thick stamps because those are present in all cards as far as I know :blush:

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Just an FYI:
Only all the English 1st edition Base Set Holofoil Rares have both thin and thick stamps available.

Almost all English non-Holo 1st edition Base Set cards are thick stamps, although some non-holo thin stamps exists as misprints.
All 1st edition cards outside of the Base Set are only thin stamps.
All 1st edition cards in other languages, even for the Base Set, are only thin stamps.

1st edition stamp variations article.
