H: PSA 10 JP Shining Kab/Ttar W: PSA 10 Shadowless Holos

PSA 10 Japanese Shining Kabutops
PSA 10 Japanese Shining Tyrantiar

I value the Kabutops at 280 USD, and the Tyranitar at 300 USD

I want PSA 10 Shadowless Holos. I’d ideally love to trade both of these for a Blastoise, but I am open to any others that aren’t Machamp or Hitmonchan.

Please send me a PM!

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I don’t need them but your offers are very fair.

I figure if I want desirable cards I better offer desirable cards in return.

PSA 10 Shadowless Blastoise is probably about $1500+.
Aside from the Big 3 and Raichu, I think this is a fair trade. It’s just a matter of whether there is someone interested in trading for the Shinings…
Good luck!