First things first: I bought this weirdo looking thing not fully convinced it’s legit, so I’m asking ya’ll if you’ve ever seen something like it or have an idea of how it could have been created (whether it was an error by WotC or even somebody mucking about trying to alter the card).
Here are the pics:
At the very least, it’s a legit Unlimited Team Rocket Dark Charizard - I’ll try to describe the two oddities since my camera can’t really capture the very smallest details:
The “film” - The “film” is incredibly thin. I’m not sure what it is, really. It’s a transparent layer that appears to be slightly tinted such that the part of the card underneath the film appears slightly darker than the rest of the card. It is not a holographic film. I have no idea how it’s been attached to the card, almost as if it’s been printed on. I can’t think of why or how such a thing could have been printed on, but that’s why I’m asking all of you.
The “slice” or the “flap” - There is a cut right across the middle of the card. When I first saw this card it almost looked like an additional layer of card was printed on the top, but when you look inside the slice/under the flap, there’s nothing visible but what I assume is the back of the card.
Like I said, I’m not trying to claim this is legit, I’m simply looking for info if there’s any to be had. The seller contacted me after I had received the card so I took the opportunity to ask him how it came into his possession. Of course, take what he says with a massive grain of salt. He claims that he personally pulled the card from a pack. Asked if there were any other cards in the pack with a film layer or cut, he said no.
Thanks for any info!