Hey all,
I couldn’t access the site for the longest time today. Did any of you had issues, too? (I assume so because the most recently updated threads were already 8 hours old when I finally got through again).
yup happened to a lot of other forums
Yes, ProBoards had an issue this morning which affected quite a lot of forums. Their support team only work Monday to Friday which I think is why it took them so long to get it back up.
I’m so relieved it’s all back up and running. I thought you guys moved and nobody told me.
Shame it came back up, fourthstartcg was looking forward to a day off.
I was getting withdrawal symptoms
I didn’t notice it being down, must have not been on at that time. My biggest issue is tapatalk app not allowing me to open threads. I’ll click a topic and it just wont open, if I toggle to another tab or force close the app and relaunch it sometimes I can open the thread and other times nope, super frustrating.
The page? No. In content? Maybe yes
Servers were down for awhile. It happens on occasion. Looks like it’s back up and running!
I had the worst morning coffee in ages, had to read news.
Will use this thread as an opportunity to sincerely thank everyone who contributes to this forum. This board is extremely informative and helpful. There isn’t one user I don’t enjoy seeing posts from - even the arguments are entertaining to read on here.