I’ve bought a couple of raid passes and balls at one point. Then a pass for the Go Tour, and couple of special missions for mythicals that I need for Home. But otherwise, I just try to stay f2p now. I only buy event passes or the occasional mission for a rare mythical.
I generally would spend money when they had good bundles that included a lot of incubators. It was a fun game that kept me outside for long periods of time so I didn’t feel bad about putting money into it. I don’t play anymore because I get too addicted to it and I have enough addictions at the moment
Never on Pokemon Go. Now Pokemon Sleep, I’m a Premium subscriber every 6 months for $50. Totally worth it for Sleep. It’s a fantastic game and the devs really appreciate their customers.
First few weeks during peak mania i coulnt resist myself and bought some egg incubators.
No regrets, those first few weeks / months were amazing. Havent played the game anymore since 2017.
I’m probably at around $100-$150. I like the Go Tour and Go Fest events. Before going to Japan last year I spent about $20 on increasing storage so I could Go Plus + everything as I walked around the cities. For the enjoyment I get out of playing the game casually its been well worth it.
Once to hatch some eggs really early on during some egg event - they hatched trash and then I never spent a cent on it again despite playing for like 5 years or so. Stopped playing a few years back now though.
I haven’t played in a while (I do plan on playing again lol) but I think I’ve spent over $100 on Go, maybe $150ish. Lately I just buy more box space and bag space, but in the past I’d buy remote raid passes frequently. I also liked to get tickets for events if I know I’ll be playing. But Niantic has been bothering me lately with their choices in the last 1.5 years, so I have bought less event tickets.
I funded Pokemon Go with whatever I would get from Google Opinion Rewards, so it didn’t feel like real money. Probably around $100 though, usually just spent on bag space and the occasional raid pass, but when I got close to level 40 bought more boxes for lucky eggs and boosts.