I am brand new to this forum and I am so glad I found it! I have been casually putting together a Japanese and English Gengar collection for the past eight or so years - I foolishly thought I was getting close to completing my goal before learning of quite a few cards and variants I was not aware of. A very kind gentleman directed me to this forum; specifically he pointed me to this google drive link created by an amazing fellow named Quuador. I was absolutely blown away by the list, but I also saw that the list ends in 2019 and doesn’t seem to include some cards featuring Gengar (such as the Natta Wake Hoppip).
The sheer magnitude of the list though has inspired me to try to collect all the TCG cards featuring Gengar in every language! I had always thought about adding foreign language cards featuring Gengar, but the lack of a complete list of cards to target always made me think the pursuit would be too much of a headache. I was wondering if there were any other fellow Gengar collectors on this wonderful forum who could point me to an updated list?
I would also appreciate it if anyone could please direct me to some type of non-TCG cards list? I have a collection of Bandai, Topps, Meiji, Hanafuda, Poker, Old Maid, and Hanafuda Gengars, but it seems like every few months some new Cardass Gengar card I’ve never seen before pops up on ebay!
If this information is already stored somewhere on this website, then I apologize for creating a separate discussion thread; I am not used to using forums. If there is no updated list of cards featuring Gengar, then please ignore this post and feel free to delete it. I also apologize in advance if I am breaking any rules with this post.
Thanks for tagging me but i think @DanielGirardBolduc has made the list and has the best knowledge of different topps variants, i can also help with the basic variants between different sets and languages and smaller differences i’ve learnt from him but contacting him probably gives the most certain and up to date knowledge here’s also A list of variants he has posted here, mostly about topps series 1 variants but also info about series 2 where gengar is included
Also here’s the Cameo thread , it should have one more cameo that isn’t on Quuador’s list but it only has the english cameos so for example the natta wake one isn’t included
And when it comes to non-tcg as whole, that unfortunately is a wild west with only bits and pieces of information here and there, there’s several threads here of certain card brands and sets but This thread might be a place where you can get the most ideas what might exist. Anyway sounds like a very cool collecting journey and i hope you’ll share here what you’ve already managed to get and new arrivals when you acquire them
I’m glad my lists still prove useful, even if they’re fairly outdated. And welcome to the forum!
Unfortunately I lack a lot more time than before, and still have some other lists in the pipeline (not sure when I have time for those either tbh…), otherwise I would have updated the Gengar list. And considering I just bought a house which I will move into in November, I likely will have less free time in general soon…
But the links provided by @joponnes and @decoypalmette are a great place to get started.
You could also try to update the list yourself using the techniques I explained here:
Wow thank you everyone for the responses! And a big thank you to Quuador himself for responding!
I will use the techniques you provided for finding the foreign language Gengar cards. In lieu of an updated this, the process for putting one together is absolutely the next best thing. For non-TCG, I think I will continue to simply buy pieces as I see them pop up on ebay - I guess there is some fun in collecting in the wild wild west!
At some point, I will try to photograph and upload my collection as well.
I strongly suggest checking yahoo auctions and japanese mercari too in addition to ebay for non tcg, at least my mind was blown the first time i went through them with the amount of merch existing and listed there
(Also, this isn’t the right thread for it but big congrats @quuador for your house purchase, praise be waifu prices!)