Hello - is there a full list of all cards featuring Gengar?

I’m glad my lists still prove useful, even if they’re fairly outdated. And welcome to the forum!

Unfortunately I lack a lot more time than before, and still have some other lists in the pipeline (not sure when I have time for those either tbh…), otherwise I would have updated the Gengar list. And considering I just bought a house which I will move into in November, I likely will have less free time in general soon…

But the links provided by @joponnes and @decoypalmette are a great place to get started.
You could also try to update the list yourself using the techniques I explained here:

As for non-TCG in general, Johannes is indeed correct that it’s the wild west with very limited amount of information available. Sometimes you find great sources like I did in this thread, and sometimes you only see a single vague picture of an already finished Mercari/YJ auction once, and then don’t see anything of that item again for years… That’s my experience with Seviper at least, which as a gen 3 Pokémon is very underappreciated in terms of available merchandise. With Gengar, a rather popular gen 1 Pokémon, it’s merchandise is probably easier to find overall, but there is also A LOT more of it to collect.
