Help - Identify 1st editon base set cards

Hi I haven’t played TCG in 20+ years.
I have found some cards from a local advertisement that include some base set 1st edition cards. I assume these are fake of course but I actually have no idea…Any input much appreciated. TIA.
[img src=“” src="" style=“max-width:100%;” alt=""]


[img src=“Imgur”]

Very fake indeed


Can you see any pics, struggling with this IMGUR thing sorry

Yes I can see the pictures, 100% fake unfortunately.

Thanks, wasnt sure I couldnt find any fake pics online with the same text alignment.
Is this fake because of border shadow and maybe different holo pattern im guessing? please explain.
Thanks for the help, I guess this is a no brainer for you guys. Hah

The genuine article on the left. As you can tell, there are a lot of differences.

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All 1st ed. Base cards are shadowless, but the pic you posted is not shadowless.

Always worth pointing out that this is only true for English, since every other language will look similar to OP’s card just in a different language.

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Thanks alot. I wont bother even checking any any cards from the seller then if the whole page is fake.

If they are super cheap I wouldn’t mind getting one, cos it’s a 1st ed with an unlimited layout, kinda bizarre

it was part of a large lot asking 3k.
I assume they sell dont know the asking price of the individual card