Hello, I am a pretty niche collector. One of my goals is to collect a card of a Pokemon that starts with every letter of the English alphabet. The most limited one, you might imagine, is ‘X.’ I have only three options: Xatu, Xerneas, and Xurkitree. I do not like the design of Xerneas and Xurkitree really, and I try to stay away from promos, foreign language cards, and cards that cost a lot; mostly because I want my collection to stay under 1000 cards. This is a fun little question to have some of you help me out, so: what Pokemon ‘X’ card do you think I should add to my collection?
Right now I am leaning towards Xerneas from Steam Siege:
because it looks so taken aback at being in a room full of mechanisms, when it is one of the most majestic and natural Pokemon of all time.
I also like the Xatu from ex Dragon Frontiers:
simply because it is Dark type, but I have a lot of other Delta Species in the collection/queue so I have passed on it before
Just wanted to start a different type of collecting topic, and I know that sometimes a card could look very different in person than from a screenshot, so I wanted to ask everyone a different type of collection question, thanks in advance!
Wow, thanks for the ideas everyone! This idea came about because I have a document with a master list of the cards I own/want. It is organized by letter, so it always felt a little lonely without an ‘X’ card. Definitely leaning towards Xatu, a lot of these cards I am seeing differently. My only problem is that I want a bunch of these, hehe. I want to eventually post my collection someday, but it is currently in storage since I just moved. Happy collecting everyone!