I have a please trade card that I got as an extra gift card for making a large purchase. I quickly saw that it was signed on the back by someone. When I asked the seller who signed it, he said he had no idea and simply had it longer than he could remember. I do not think it is fake at all and the card is definately real, but WHO SIGNED IT!? I don’t know japanese so it’s hard to tell.
Surely someone here with all their glorious wisdom can help me! Please and Thank you!
You said it like it should have been intuitive, but mostly likely OP didn’t realize that was a possibility. Tagging those familiar with signatures makes sense.
@japanime@kanagawacards@kkthxbai etc would be great because they can almost instantaneously read those signatures. I’m not saying that Scott can’t, but being unable to read the characters puts him at a disadvantage for those signatures that aren’t as possible.
No, your point was great! But the delivery came across a little harsh. Not everyone would have had that idea (or knowledge of who to tag), especially not someone new to the forum or those of us who are not aware of that info.