So I have been playing with the idea of holding a tournament - an expensive one, probably something like a $5k-$10k tournament entry fee.
There would be enough space for 36 or less players.
We crack a seal on one box from every edition Base - SM (just English, but 1st and unlimited included). Each player gets 1 pack from every box and uses that to make their deck. The tournament would supply additional basic energy as needed. Players could open all of their packs, or just some if they wanted. The more packs you open the better your chance at a great deck - especially with base having some of the most powerful trainers ever made. Cash prizing out to the top players and of course everyone walks away with their cards and the experience.
Alternatively there could be a limited space to say 32 players with smaller cash prizing and top place earning a play set of each set in sealed packs.
I realize this is something out there, but this thought has been sitting in my head for while and I wondered what the community thought about it.
I figure price would keep it from happening, but who knows. I had also thought about searching out another 1st Ed Base box and putting it as a top prize. Those are getting much harder to find now.
Actually, this isn’t as far out there as you’d think. I’ve seen the concept, when implemented, succeed several times.
One was the High Roller Bowling tournament. $1000.00 entry fee and took place here in Vegas. Anybody could enter. Now 1000.00 doesn’t sound like a lot but in the early 80s it was. It was a one game, single elimination format. Well, the turnout from year one was overwhelming. A smashing success.
Another of course is the World Series of poker also here in Vegas. The world championship/main event is a 10,000.00 buy in and often gets 5000 people ponying up that amount chasing the 8 Million dollar 1st place prize money.
Rusty, I think you have a winner here. I could make an appearance and display my nearly million dollar Charizard collection. Soon, it’s going to be featured on a top TV show so it could be an even bigger draw;)
I think this is a great idea. More money is flowing into the hobby by the day so I can see this being successful. However, maybe you could start with something in the $500- $1000 range. Perhaps just do specific eras, like do a WOTC pool and a separate Nintendo original ex series era pool. That could bring the cost down and potentially isolate interested parties. Individuals could also participate in multiple pools. Overall, love the idea!
Rusty is hoping for about 36 entries. Believe me, there’s at least that many players who could afford a 5k or 10k tourney.
Plus, venues could hold lower buyin sattelite tournaments with the winner getting a seat into the WORLD SERIES OF POKEMON;)
A high buy in would guarantee a lot of media interest as well as more advertising for Rusty’s store.
It only cost $750 though and that was draft 20 different events.
I think that you could do something with unl WotC sets… but I also think for the most part people would rather keep the packs sealed than open them if they have the money to afford everything. The sealed packs are too expensive relative to what you can actually pull from them except for 1st Base.
I don’t live in the US, however I would consider travelling for something like this. I would also consider forking out the dish to participate in the event if there was a cheaper alternative that wasn’t 5 or 10 thousand for an entree fee (take 1-2k perhaps). I think starting off with a smaller entree fee, prize pool and so on to test the waters and how it would work is a good idea, which would also begin to generate interest - and then as the price of entree is raised you can see more publicity and probably more interest (not saying you couldn’t get 32-36 people to pay 5k for it now, it would just be easier and you would probably get more excitement over it if it were streamed or held in previous years/months.
If you did 36 players then the pack distribution in boxes is completely even, whereas with 32 or something it’s a little more uneven and you’re left with discrepancies. The left over packs could be sold though, or given away to spectators (if held in a venue) or they could be given as lower-tier prizes to the players who come in the top 18 but not the top 3 or something?)
Sorry if my ideas are bad, I just like theorising this stuff and it gets me excited )
Sounds like a blast, only issue I see is being able to pull in enough people who will pay that entry fee. A good chunk of collectors only collect and do not follow the concept of actual gameplay. The other portion that actually understand the concept of gameplay have to have enough funds and actually be interested. You could always start the process and start promoting and see what kind of progress you can get with your entry fees now. If you can’t pull the numbers you we’re looking for you could try dropping the entry fees possibly.
5k-10k buy in for a 15k-20k prize (1st ed Booster Box) is a little rough but if you find people who would pay that more power to you! WSOP is a 10k buy in with a total prize pool of $60+ million, I think if you make it into the top 1000 you make a profit on your buy in etc.