I just saw a post asking about print run for shadowless and it made me wonder how common are basic energy cards in sets. Are they as common or more common than common pokémon cards in the set?
Basic Energy cards can be found in a whole assortment of rarities including “No Symbol”, Common, Holo Rare, Ultra Rare and Secret Rare. If we only consider the ones with the Common rarity, I think it’s fair to say these are more common than normal Common Pokémon cards due to the fact Energy card(s) are inserted in every booster pack.
for modern product you can say extremely common as said above, they give you one free in every pack.
XY series was a numbered common card inserted in place of a normal common card
i think prior series were similar
but then you look at base set (unlimited) openings and sometimes there were 2 energy cards inserted into a pack.
considering cards of the same print are backwards compatible in a competitive environment in the beginning of the game they were “being obtained” for play, most probably the reason for added insertion, then as more sets were released it wasnt need as much due to this backwards compatibility.
These current sets, i think its just a fad to make it look like your getting more and it really costs nothing much more than a % of a cent to manufacture
I get that they put one in each pack but there are 5 to 9 different kinds and you usually only get one, so I was wondering if it was regular common or extra common.
X = (number of energy per pack) / (total number of energy in the set)
Y = (number of common Pokemon per pack) / (number of common Pokemon in the set)
energies are ‘rarer’ if X < Y
…right? someone double-check my math
With the equation put forth you could get a number but they are generally when the card has a designated rarity they are just part of it. un-numbered would be more common than common because they are basically a free card.Your catagorizing them yet again under the common designation. You could also do the same for pokemon types and im sure there would be a pull rate based on data. That number would also be skewed by adding the set release as a variable.But i sort of understand what youre saying. When opening a booster box for instance there is more non-holo rares pulled than holo rares that are junk and could be considered seperate catagories based on holo, non-holo- reverse etc but they are all really just rare cards as a whole.