How damage resistant are PSA cases?

For my own ease of mind I’m trying to figure out how resistant PSA cases are to damage, because sometimes mistakes happen, and maybe it’s also cool to have it listed somewhere.
I’m mostly interested what would happen if a case fell from a meter height or more. And I don’t really care about the case itself, but no damage to the card is the most important.
As far as I’ve seen the cases and cards are not really water and fire proof, but that’s a topic on its own. Furthermore they are pretty resistant to sharp objects (read: knives, etc.) as it seems to be pretty difficult to crack them open, however the cases seem to be easily scratched if you’re not careful.
Does anyone have their own experiences with damage due to accidents (or by experimentation)?

I can tell you out of my own experience that dropping a case from ca. 1,5m doesnt harm either the case nor the card at all. I drop them all the time (by accident lol) on stone and wooden floors and neither of them cracked or damaged the card. I want to throw one out of my window just to see how resistant it really is but unfortunately I don´t have a cheap psa graded card to just randomly throw out of the window :grin:

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My case cracked from about a meter, a magnemite psa 10 holo. You can see the damage on my eBay link lol

Didn’t damage the card however

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I’ve dropped PSA cards accidentally from around 1.5 meters when I’ve been rearranging them on display and nothing has happened to me so far… I guess it depends how lucky you are with it lol D: It probably depends how it drops and how’s the surface it drops on to. If it drops corner first I’d imagine it would damage easier? Idk just a thought but seems like there are different experiences

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I think ive had three PSA cards fall off a shelf from 2 meters and the only damage was the cards moving around slightly inside the cases. Guess this might damage the cards eventually if they are shuffled around enough.

Gary put a PSA graded card through a paint can shaker and it was fine! The cases are tough, but I would still be as gentle as possible with them,

The way I understood it the card was in a fixed position inside of it. The goal of the test was to see if a loose card inside of a case would end up being damaged after a lot of movement. (You know those cards that slide up/down inside the case)

The card was not literally in an empty paint can banging around in the shaker. I would wager that would lead to a very damaged case and after enough time just small shards of plastic bouncing around with a wadded up piece of cardboard. Do not try this at home. Or do… and share some photos!


Right. The PSA case was taped securely to the outside of the can.

Putting it inside an empty can and shook up sounds like fun though. But the case/card would never survive lol.