How do you guys take pictures of your SLABS?

Hello guys
I’m looking for tips and tricks on how to get the best pictures for my slabs.
If you have info that you can share it would be very appreciated.
Thank you so much

light box and white led lamps or alot of people scan their cards.

Step one: Set up card to take photo
Step two: Get glare and get royally pissed off
Step three: go onto discord and the forum and have everyone tell you to get a scanner.
Step four: dont actually buy the scanner and keep trying to take photos in anyway possible while failing miserably in the process.
Steph five: Acceptance until you rinse and repeat.

lol speaking for myself of course


buy a scanner


this is the way

This is the way…

But for us stubborn no scanners, I’ve seen a video where someone took a black board and made a pin hole so their camera phone could take a picture through it so the glare/reflection would just be black and not look nearly as bad.

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I have an HP envy photo 3 in 1. I’m curious if anyone else uses this versus an archival grade photo scanner and how the results differ. If no one else has done it I’ll try myself and post the results.

Had ordered a scanner two months ago only for the transaction to get cancelled on me. I do know that @supersaiyanampharos takes phenomenal pictures.


I’ve posted about my setup before but I have changed a few things since then. I never found light boxes fun to work with, so what I did was take the LED strips from the light box I had and fix them to a shelving unit (they were a perfect fit!) to light up the underside of a small wooden table top:

This gives me a very large space to work with, allowing me to take pictures of both Pokémon cards and much larger items like posters and figures.

In time I want to add 2 additional LED strips to reduce glare and have a permanently-mounted camera facing directly down with some remote control + bluetooth/wifi setup (as I’m no good at keeping my phone flat when taking pictures and I’m always a little worried I’ll end up dropping it on whatever I’m taking a picture of!).

Ignore the messy wires, I’ll get around to making those a bit more presentable at some point.


I highly recommend this video.


I use an iphone and a ring light, which doubles as a lamp. I wouldn’t get much use out of a scanner as I see it as a uni-tasker, but they do make for some amazing quality pictures

I am at step 4 right now.

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I take shit photos with my shit phone, then post them in my shit Ig page, ez


Thank you! My setup is super cheap and simple, it is powered by a generic ring light with warm and cool settings and I just put the slab in front of it and find a nice angle especially if it’s a holo card! I’m using my camera on my Samsung s10+ You can then also use most editing apps to add a bit of vibrance and mess with the lighting which always helps!
Here is an example


This was my first smpratte video i watched


You mean first $cumbagpratte video? lol

Btw, I remember seeing your shining mew scans in the Show Off Your Scans thread. They looked pretty good! Do you have the Epson V37? I have the V33 and it was a game changer for me, especially compared to using my crappy phone camera.

Wow that really pops!


Yes v37 with the chaos mod

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Yeah I bought a light box and of course get insane glare no matter what I do, hoping to get a v600 scanner for my Birthday coming up lol