"How I became a Pokémon card" (Natta Wake) - A guide to the manga and cards

The manga series ポケモンカードになったワケ (Pokémon Card Ni Natta Wake) or “How I Became a Pokémon Card”, was developed and released in 1999 by Kagemaru Himeno, who also works as an illustrator for the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

The manga is made up of mostly independent stories. Each chapter focuses on a specific Pokémon and card illustrated by Kagemaru Himeno. These stories elaborate on the card illustration, giving context to what the Pokémon is doing in the picture or how it ended up in that situation.

Each book comes with a unique Pokémon card. Both the promotional card and the cards portrayed in each chapter are original works, each one illustrated by Himeno herself.

All 6 Volume Covers

Book ISBN Card Release
Volume 1 4889917179 Mankey 1999 May 22
Volume 2 4889917284 Psyduck 1999 September 22
Volume 3 4889917470 Jynx 2000 January 22
Volume 4 4889917578 Sunkurn 2000 August 23
Volume 5 4889917918 Hoppip 2001 July 23
Volume 6 4840104026 Pikachu 2001 September 22

All 6 Promo Cards (in order)

Five of the six cards (all except Pikachu) feature a unique stamp on the card.

Natta Wake stamp

Each card appears in a paper envelope mounted inside the book

Chapter 4 is about the Jungle Eevee artwork

Volume 1

# Title Translation Card
1 ミニリュウがひとつおとなになった日 The Day Dratini Grew Up Dratini (Team Rocket)
2 ロケット団とわるいリザード Team Rocket and Dark Charmeleon Dark Charmeleon (Team Rocket)
3 うまれてばかりのベトベター The Newborn Grimer Grimer (Team Rocket)
4 アカネ色のイーブイ Akane-Colored Eevee Eevee (Jungle)
5 風とツバサとピジョット The Wind, Tsubasa, and Pidgeot Pidgeot (Jungle)
6 プリンと時計台 Jigglypuff and the Clock Tower Jigglypuff (Jungle)
7 マンキーとマンキーとオコリザル Mankey, Mankey and Primeape Mankey (Jungle), Primeape (Jungle)

Volume 2

# Title Translation Card
8 エリカとカエデと……わるいクサイハナ Erika and Kaede… and Dark Gloom Dark Gloom (Team Rocket)
9 ナッシーの無人島 Exeggutor’s Deserted Island Exeggutor (Jungle)
10 ポケモントレーナーとバタフリー The Pokémon Trainer and his Butterfree Butterfree (Jungle)
11 ゴルバットの洞窟 Golbat’s Cave Golbat (Fossil)
12 ゼニガメの春探し Squirtle’s Search for Spring Squirtle (Vending Series)
13 悩めるポケモン·コダック Troubled Pokémon, Psyduck Psyduck (Fossil)
14 サイドンの誇り Rhydon’s Pride Rhydon (Jungle)

Volume 3

# Title Translation Card
15 マダツボミの花畑 Bellsprout’s Meadow Bellsprout (Jungle)
16 涙色のシャワーズ Tear-Colored Vaporeon Vaporeon (Jungle)
17 傷だらけのペルシアン The Injured Persian Persian (Jungle)
18 信じ合う力、ヤドランの奇跡 The Power of Believing, Slowbro’s Miracle Slowbro (Fossil)
19 たそがれのルージュラ Twilight Jynx Jynx (Vending Series)
20 迷子の迷子のナゾノクサ The Stray Girl’s Stray Oddish Oddish (Team Rocket)
21 グレン島の伝説· ガーディと炎の石 The Legend of Cinnabar Island: Growlithe and the Fire Stone Growlithe (Squirtle VHS Deck)

Volume 4

# Title Translation Card
22 イタズラ好きなスリープ The Prank-Loving Drowzee Drowzee (Team Rocket)
23 真の冒険家!?わるいダグトリオ The True Treasure Hunter!? Dark Dugtrio Dark Dugtrio (Team Rocket)
24 忘れん坊のヒマナッツ Absent-Minded Sunkern Sunkern (Neo Genesis)
25 岩と鋼の対決!?ゴローンVSハガネール Showdown of Rock and Steel!? Graveler VS Steelix Graveler (Fossil)
26 街でウワサのポケモンママとピィちゃん Rumored Pokémon of the City, Mama and Cleffa-chan Cleffa (Neo Genesis)
27 かせき+ポケモン=プテラ!? Fossil + Pokémon = Aerodactyl!? Aerodactyl (Fossil)
S1 おこりんぼうのヒマナッツ Short-Tempered Sunkern -

Volume 5

# Title Translation Card
28 ポケモンの気持ち、ベロリンガの気持ち The Feelings of Pokémon, the Feelings of Lickitung Lickitung (Vending Series)
29 ニョロゾのはらだいこ Poliwhirl’s Belly Drum Poliwhirl (Neo Discovery)
30 ハネッコの幸せを呼ぶ笑顔 The Smile that Makes Hoppip Happy Hoppip (Neo Discovery)
31 怒りのサンダース The Angry Jolteon Jolteon (Jungle)
32 コイキングの"たきぼりしんか"! Magikarp’s “Waterfall Evolution”! Magikarp (Team Rocket)

Volume 6

# Title Translation Card
33 ぐるぐるぐるぐるオムナイト Roly-Poly Roly-Poly Omanyte Omanyte (Fossil)
34 ニドラン♀の乙女心 Nidoran♀’s Maiden Heart Nidoran♀ (Vending Series)
35 ププリンのかなしうた Igglybuff’s Lamentation Igglybuff (Promo)
36 マグマッグが見たホシ The Star that Slugma Saw Slugma (Neo Revelation)
37 闇に輝く希望の光、ランターン The Light of Hope that Shines in the Darkness, Lanturn Lanturn (Neo Revelation)
38 アカりとピカチュウのたんじょうび Akari and Pikachu’s Birthday ___'s Pikachu (Promo)

I know most people here will be aware of these promos but frankly I couldn’t find a good online resource for this so I decided to start one instead


Thanks for the guide! These 6 promos are so underrated.

Japanese vintage promos are some of the most interesting cards to collect, be it the history behind it or the artwork.


This is awesome! Beautiful post with lots of excellent info! My Natta Wake Birthday Pikachu is the centerpiece and prize of my collection. Always thought this set was cool and I have a lot of admiration for the artist!

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Searching for info on the natta wake pikachu book was how I found efour! Definitely a slept on set

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My books ^

I absolutely love this set, and although it may not seem like it, it’s an incredibly hard to source set of cards. In 3 years of daily rummaging shops in Japan, I managed to complete the full trainers mag promo set in PSA 10 (graded myself) but only found 4 natta wake cards, only 2 of which graded a 10.

Really awesome set, and I hope to complete it one day.


Can you crack open Vol 5 chapter 28 and tell me which Likitung card is in that chapter?

Unfortunately not, I left my books in the UK :cry:

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Mine are in another location too which is why I can’t check either :skull: :laughing:

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You can easily find scans of these online. Some of which are even translated into English.



Thanks! I tried to find that particular volume for a good 15 minutes but maybe I just wasn’t using the right keywords


Ya, it can be a bit hit or miss sometimes. Great write up!

Yeah also took a look online but no dice unfortunately.

I know what you mean by hard to source. Back in 2014 I was trying really hard to get ungraded Natta Wake Pikachu and other Natta wake cards through a seller in Japan but struggled to get any with high grade potential. There are just so few of them out there. I eventually settled for a PSA 9 in my collection and I’m still very pleased with that. But the hunt for high quality Natta Wake cards is super tough!!

Awesome article! Thanks for sharing the information. The cards themselves are great, but just knowing the thought process in form of a story and how that thought process ends up as a card is so interesting and gives a deeper look on Himeno-san as an artist.

Lovely article.


I was very aware of the cards and origin, but NOT the purpose behind the books. Very cool! Thanks from creating this! An underrated series of cards, indeed.

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