As you may have noticed, all the E4 mods have a specific token badge that we can give out to whoever we deem worthy of it! Mine is the Four Star token, and this thread will serve as a list of all the ways it can be earned.
I will likely add to this list over time, but for now here are the criteria for awarding the token:
EX Sucks
Awarded for exceptional performance in EX Series or BW/XY Era EX collecting. This is intentionally vague for a reason, but will be awarded for things like completing a long-term EX Series or BW/XY EX era goal.
Win the Lottery
Acquire a set of EX Series, HGSS or BW Era Japanese Pokemon Cards which were only available via lottery.
Squad Up
Meet me in person (at sanctioned events, please do not come to my house)
Forum Service
Provide an exceptional service to the members of E4, above and beyond what would normally be expected of a community member.
Points 1 and 4 will be awarded as I see fit, but if you qualify for 2 and 3, shoot me a PM or post here! As mentioned earlier, I’ll update this thread with new ways to earn the token over time.