I’ve just recently gotten back into the hobby of collecting pokemon cards, and I’ve seen some collectors with seemingly larger-than-life collections. I’m just curious: how does a collection get to that point? Some of the collections I’ve seen just seem plain unattainable. Obviously you could pour every dollar you have into buying up product, but there’s got to be a better way than that. So, I just want to ask, how do these people do it? How do they put together such amazing collections?
Buy cards
Don’t lose interest and collect over the years.
@fabledcardstock time, patience, research, and a whole lot of having fun in the process.
Ive been back to collecting since last September and my collection doesnt even touch many of the members here, which is an easy target to allow myself get jealous of. However, many of the collectors here today with said large collections have been around for many years now when prices and things were different, so it was more accessible. Though regardless of these differences and circumstances, you cant compare yourself to others because everyones different. Even the smallest of a collection is still being a part of this great community. Give yourself time and patience and youll find your collection growing as time goes on.
And with that, just have fun and enjoy what you already have. So long as you are doing that, youve got nothing to fear.
throwing disposable income towards cards over many years adds up. cards also go up in price over time. they’re quite literally an investment. that card you paid $100 for in 99’ is now worth $2500. you can now sell your older cards at a profit and keep the ball rollin
wow, very well said. Thanks a lot for the thoughtful response. I’ll definitely be following this advice.
When you look at a collection as a whole and consider the time, effort, and monetary value it took to achieve, it can certainly look intimidating. As others have mentioned though, these collections are the result of years if not decades of work. Frankly, you really don’t have to have all that much money to build an impressive collection. I’ve been collecting on a student budget for the entirety of my time, and I’ve been able to build some really unique and exciting accomplishments and acquire rare cards.
Time and focus are really the keys to everything. Money is important but much less so. If you put in the time and keep focused on your collection goals, buying what you want and not selling off at a loss too much, you’ll develop an impressive collection of your own in short order.
Keep in mind that people might have already sold that card they were bragging about on social media a week ago.
Otherwise just stick to the hobby.
You have to duel other collectors for their rarest card
On a serious note, most things have already been said in this thread. Those who have those large collections usually started years ago when cards were less expensive. So I’m afraid the only way to get to their level is to spend more money. Or steal
Consistency, focus on the you want. Have goals, obtain goals and set new ones. Over time if you are consistent your collection will grow without effort.
People are talking about how “prices used to be lower”. That’s always been true and always will be, it’s not how collections are built. The key is to just stick with it and inject money when you can on what you enjoy. One day - before you know it - you will be impressed with what you accumulated
Crazy how often I see this on instagram
Np at all! And to also back @pkmnflyingmaster here, my intention wasnt to stress the fact that prices were cheaper, but moreso to mention to elaborate on how with time collections grow while price becomes less of a factor. All and all, with these points youll see your collection grow so long as you just keep out of those negative mindsets which cause many to derail from their collecting intentions and goals.
And as always, have fun. Because after all, thats ultimately the main reason a lot of us are here.
Collect what you love!
Growing a collection is easy. Patience + Passion + Time = Collection.
Building a collection at net zero or even while making a little profit, much more difficult to do and requires just more of the above plus a bit of strategy, luck, and willingness to let items go that you love. Probably takes more time today as cost of entry is higher but still doable I would think. Just more passion and more patience and more time plus hard work.
I believe even Scott mentioned that if he started today it would be jumping in fully and smartly but it would take longer entering today to build up to these massive collections which you’re referring to.
win the lottery, buy everything on ebay
Don’t worry about other’s collections.
Figure out some goals for yourself: do you want to complete a set by the end of 2020, save up for a graded card or sealed product, etc.
Determine what your budget is. It’s easy to want too many things at once so staying focused on your goal and budget will help shape your collection.
For me the growth has been organic. I scoured eBay for hours on end discovering new cards that I really enjoyed and learning the market. I’ve only been back into the hobby since 2018 but it can build quickly.
Lastly, I decided to go all in with Pokémon as my main hobby. So naturally I trimmed other collections to help grow it which helped jump start the process.
Take your time and enjoy learning and collecting.
just be chill and relaxed about it. if u miss out on a card dont fret ther will always be another chance. oh and personally i believe you shouldnt go into debt over pokemon cards.
Step #1 - A spark of interestStep #2 - Spark turns into small fire where you yearn to learn more about the tcg
Step #3 - Mistakes/Experience/Successes over time = wisdom and knowledge of the hobbyStep #4 - When you go through a phase where you lose interest, Don’t sell off your collection. Hold onto it.
Step #5 - Built Knowledge = less mistakes = profit. Larger purchases, Larger profits, Larger collections, Larger sales, Larger etc.
Step #6 - Life balance. It’s a hobby. Don’t burn out. Feed the fire in a way that is healthy an works for you. Months turn into years. Before you know it, you have a collection you never thought was unobtainable.