How to Remove Plastic from Card Board Background?

So for a while I’ve been eyeing this Auldey Gyarados Toy you see here:

The figure would be a nice bonus and all, but what I’m really after is the background, you know, because I’m weird like that and only collect flats. Does anyone know how I can safely remove the plastic from the image-ingrained card board without damaging it? Or is it a hopeless task that I just need to move away from?

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Use a box cutter and cut only the plastic area because it’s really super glued down

And then use heat to flatten the edges of the plastic, be careful though!

maybe buy a chesp toy that has a similar packaging, try it out on that :blush:

Well for stickers u can blow dry them off pretty safely. Maybe that might work?

I think you would end up damaging the cardboard.If you done it very carefully you could just use a coloured pen to go over the bits were the plastic ripped off.

Hmm, so it’s trickier than I had hoped. I’ve tried googling and youtubing stuff but I only get sites on how to recycle or remove stickers from surfaces. XD

I might try the heat method. I have some similar packages that I could experiment on that I care little to nothing for. Thanks for the suggestions, guys!

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You could also just cut it just above the plastic… you’d be able to keep the toy sealed while also adding a nice flat to your collection