How To Submit Directly To BGS / PSA from EU/UK

Hello pokefriends

I’ve been looking for answers to this for some time but haven’t been able to get any definitive answers.

I’m looking to submit directly to PSA / BGS from Europe but am stuck as to how you deal with import duties upon return.

As they are you own items, what documents are needed to prove this?

Customs (particularly where I live in Spain) can be quite ******* difficult.

Most people use middlelen services, however there are few that sub to BGS and the ones that do are quite overpriced.

Any grading pros know a step by step to this?

Many thanks in advance.

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Hello, fellow Iberian.

Either you bite the dust and hope customs don’t screw you over, or get a middle man

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I submit to PSA from the UK no problem, 6 returns in last 2 years. Psa mark it as own goods returned you do not need any forms. Ive not had one issue in regards to customs but I am aware just to keep your postage documents/proof of you sending the goods to PSA. This will be needed if you are asked to prove you sent the goods out.


Very good to meet you - love it over here on the Costa Blanca!
Spanish customs are great, very reasonable people lol.
Unfortunately no Spanish Middlemen, so looking to learn how to do it straight up!

Good point, thank you.
Hopefully beckett do the same. I’ve contact them via email but they dont have the best customer service.
How fast did you get your cards back, and did you have to send anything to UK customs?

Well, I know of people here in Portugal that even with own goods declaration were screwed over by Customs.

Also, greetings from Serra da Estrela :blush: Gonna give you a follow on IG

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@haggiscollects made this excellent video going through a CGC submission, but it also talks about the customs process of exporting/receiving, from the UK at least. Probably it’s the same for Spain/EU?


What service / courier do you use to send the cards to PSA from the UK?

Im thinking the only thing I could be charged on is cost of grading, but then again, it’s a service and we shouldnt have to pay VAT on services between EU and USA. What issues did they have?

The last submission took a year at PSA, the same for everyone else with the delays. Once PSA dispatch it, you get notified by email. Within a week to 10 days its at my door. If you look at the tracking it shows reaching customs, checks etc then its released and FEDex deliver it to me. I have never had any direct contact with customs but on the most recent one I had to provide my original purchase receipt of postage as fedex tried to charge me for handling my order lol, they tried to say it was for customs but i could see it had already passed and had been released. This is the first time i have had to provide any information but we’ve had changes since leaving the EU. Luckily I keep all my postage / submission paperwork in a folder on my emails. Considering it was a year since posting many people could have misslaid this. Anyhow it was very easy, FEDex called me, sent me an email and I replied to that email with the proof.

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RoyalMail, it turns to USPS when in America of which is what PSA request. Ive done royal mail tracked every time. About £13 for 75 cards last time

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I dont know Spanish custom law etc but when I first submitted I heard a lot of people saying oh customs will screw you or I heard this and that. The specifics a side, most of those people had never actually submitted themselves. The internet can be helpful but can also be full of a lot of naysayers.

Give it a go with a small submission so you can learn, providing you are not in a financial hole live a little.

Read up your countries law on return of own goods, if it says no VAT or import charges can be put on you which was pretty clear in the UK law, then if anything happens you just need to provide your dispatch information, best to buy postage online. My receipt had PSA address, my address and the date I sent it. I think there was even a line somewhere where it included collectible cards as content.

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I’ve always used Ludkins, but that’s not an option atm, sadly. :confused: Customs can really screw you big time.

Appreciate the insights.

From what I can see, it should be import tax exempt as “Returned Goods Relief”.

This seems to apply if if:

  1. No substantial changes occur on the items (I doubt grading applies as it’s just authentication/protection, see point 3)
  2. It’s the same value as when I exported it (so need to make sure I declare the correct value on the submission form and export docs)
  3. Relief can apply if the export was to “treat” the items to keep them in good condition (which grading does do!)

Just doing two cards for now - two PSA 9 shadowless cards I think have a chance at the 9.5.

If anyone from the EU is interested here are some links to throw at your customs officers if needed lol :

So how do Ludkins or other middlemen get past import? There must be a way otherwise they would not be profitable whatsoever.

See my comment above!

I run a middleman company for grading, located in Belgium. We mainly work with CGC, but are now starting with PSA & Beckett.
We have a contract with an international shipping provider that makes sure the import is handled well (that we indeed pay no import since it is a return of our own goods).

That’s great, will definitely try doing my own submission next time. Cheers

How do you insure your cards via royal mail please? I know special delivery is £500.

They had to pay IVA/VAT of the grading price + Customs admistrative costs

Thankyou! It should be the same for most people even with different grading services.

The customs process puts a lot of people off but its really very easy.

Ive only had FedEx ask me one time to prove that I exported the goods in the first place. I just sent them the original FedEx or DHL tracking ref. Other times they have come back without any problems: