I have made the jump from the facebook groups

Hey all,

I’ve finally muted all the groups/pages and joined here instead.

After getting so fed up of all the people constantly moaning, being negative and coming up with crazy conspiracies and despite me providing them with reasonable logic such as if you can’t afford said item then collect lower grades, raws, unlimited rather than 1st ed or different sets completely. They just don’t want to hear it and continue to stay in a hobby where they post every other day complaining about it rather than just adapting and getting on with it or leaving a hobby they obviously are not enjoying.

I’ve known about e4 for a while but just never got around to joining. I’m expecting a much more pleasant place to share thoughts and ideas with other serious collectors :blush:





Glad to have you as a new member here. Yes, certain groups on Facebook are generally quite cancerous and filled with people with negative intentions and ulterior motives.
Please be aware that E4 is not a utopia where everything is rainbows and smiles. There will be people you disagree with and people that drive you up the wall. Just remember to be respectful and when in doubt stick to Pokemon related discussion only.


Of course, that’s great. I like a good discussion and debate with an open mind, it can give you an opportunity to learn and grow. Equally it’s fine to disagree on things.


Welcome! Always great to see a new member, especially if they defected from the Zuckerberg empire.


Welcome to the community @pokemike102! You will enjoy it here as people are very friendly and knowledgeable, while not being negative or complaining too much. Glad to have ya onboard!

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@pokemike102 Your first post tells me your a very sensible collector that doesn’t let things get in your way. Congratulations and welcome :slight_smile:

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone :blush:

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Welcome! I did that a long time ago and never looked back, no REGRETS


Discussing with people on the internet, you never learn right?


Welcome! I hope you find this forum rewarding as many of us have. It’s the best forum I have ever been a part of with an engaged, active membership and a tremendous amount of knowledge.


Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay.

You should consider joining the discord server as well, it’s very casual and and you meet great people there!


Welcome my dude.
Considering the stories I’ve been hearing about those FB and IG groups, I’m really glad I went straight to e4.
Only time I joined a Pokemon whatsapp group by accident, one of the first posts by a member was how he proudly gave fake hyper rare cards to elementary schoolers in trade for real cards.
I got in a verbal conflict with him, the other members decided to either don’t care or sided with him. Needless to say I left within a few hours. Suckers.

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Good riddance to the Virbank type environment!

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Ohhh stop your moaning, you are just as bad as they are :sweat_smile::wink: welcome mate!

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It’s okay now. You’re safe here with us.


Already on there :blush: thanks

Shut it @friendyboy!

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