I wish it were holo thread

Hi All,

every now and then i see cards and just wish, damn… if only that got a holo.

I wanted to start a thread to see what cards people wish were holo (or perhaps weren’t, or didn’t deserve it?).

To kick things off, i’m going to pick 3 cards from base - fossil that i wish were holo.


~ Dragonair
~ Electabuzz
~ Arcanine

Would have happily swapped the above and made magneton, chansey and ninetales rates.


~ Persian
~ Fearow (imagine how nice the holo would look…)
~ Exeggutor


~ Golem
~ Seadra
~ Arbok

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Espeon and Umbreon. English. I think you know which ones.

Base set Gastly would have looked sick as a holo. Scary and intense.

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Sunset Mew…


Almost all the ones mentioned in this thread from February. :blush:

I think we all agree that Base Dragonair needs a holo version the most.


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Dont remember seeing that :slightly_frowning_face:

Hehe, you even posted in it :laughing: www.elitefourum.com/t/pokemon-cards-that-you-wish-were-printed-as-a-holofoil/15710/13

But np. These kind of discussion threads will always come up again and again, and since we have new members, I don’t think it can do any harm when there is enough space in between them like now. :blush: So carry on.



Basically every WOTC non-holo rare WOTC rare and all Eeveelutions. Majestic Dawn Flareon especially.

Pretty much every dragonair or eeveelution ever.


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Gym sets have lots of good candidates but this one takes the number 1 spot imo.

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It looks better as non-holo, rofl. :stuck_out_tongue: Well done though. You’re really good at these.


@quuador yeah I think I agree, the whole charm of base Dragonair is the background, I let it sneak through a little but if it were real you would lose it entirely. But I would say Dragonair would be a better fit in the holo spot over Clefairy or Hitmonchan etc.

Yes!!! Those dam dragonair are awesome!
Love it

I think this espeon would be nice and futuristic.

And a holo imakuni would be hilarious.

Some of the old theme decks would have some cool designs, and the old vending series commons.

from ex sandstorm!

haha I got you :stuck_out_tongue:

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