Hi All,
every now and then i see cards and just wish, damn… if only that got a holo.
I wanted to start a thread to see what cards people wish were holo (or perhaps weren’t, or didn’t deserve it?).
To kick things off, i’m going to pick 3 cards from base - fossil that i wish were holo.
~ Dragonair
~ Electabuzz
~ Arcanine
Would have happily swapped the above and made magneton, chansey and ninetales rates.
~ Persian
~ Fearow (imagine how nice the holo would look…)
~ Exeggutor
~ Golem
~ Seadra
~ Arbok
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June 18, 2017, 7:15am
Espeon and Umbreon. English. I think you know which ones.
Base set Gastly would have looked sick as a holo. Scary and intense.
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Almost all the ones mentioned in this thread from February .
I think we all agree that Base Dragonair needs a holo version the most.
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Dont remember seeing that
Hehe, you even posted in it www.elitefourum.com/t/pokemon-cards-that-you-wish-were-printed-as-a-holofoil/15710/13
But np. These kind of discussion threads will always come up again and again, and since we have new members, I don’t think it can do any harm when there is enough space in between them like now. So carry on.
Basically every WOTC non-holo rare WOTC rare and all Eeveelutions. Majestic Dawn Flareon especially.
Pretty much every dragonair or eeveelution ever.
Gym sets have lots of good candidates but this one takes the number 1 spot imo.
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It looks better as non-holo, rofl. Well done though. You’re really good at these.
@quuador yeah I think I agree, the whole charm of base Dragonair is the background, I let it sneak through a little but if it were real you would lose it entirely. But I would say Dragonair would be a better fit in the holo spot over Clefairy or Hitmonchan etc.
Yes!!! Those dam dragonair are awesome!
Love it
I think this espeon would be nice and futuristic.
And a holo imakuni would be hilarious.
Some of the old theme decks would have some cool designs, and the old vending series commons.