Idea: Mass E4 autograph exchange

This idea came to me from this thread: Buying ALL e4 member signatures

The concept is simple. We find X number people to participate. Each person autographs X cards and sends them in a bundle to one person. That middleman person takes one of each autograph and ships them back to all X people who participated.

Thoughts? Any interest?


Whoever created that thread is a genius :smiling_face_with_tear: as far as your idea goes, i like it. I would suggest some type of way to track who has whos autos though, because ive gotten the low hanging fruit and am onto the rarer autos, like @admiral or @Tapp …. Maybe an auto checklist or something would help?


@pfm Yesss I am totally in! @smpratte could potentially use this as a fundraising opportunity for E4 if done correctly. Like whoever wants to participate, they put $20 into a pot and send off their signed X cards to a middle man. This money could go toward the website, future E4 events, or whatever.
Scott could totally open a merchandise store as well to sell E4 T-Shirts as well… Those would be a banger

I know right now E4 is being propped up by Scott alone (To my knowledge) without incorporating any type of advertising to pay for the website.
Just an idea :slight_smile:


Sounds like a fun idea! I think it would be cool to have a binder page featuring cards with e4 signatures.

You think I’m low-hanging fruit? You think I gave it away too easy?


I’m in :smiley:

Sounds fun!

Both Scotts* :grin:


This may be a hot take but doesn’t this entirely remove the value of getting people’s signatures? If all you have to do to get everyone’s signature is sign up then none of them are special anymore. I personally like having to get them from Secret Santa/1 on 1 but maybe that’s just me :smiling_face_with_tear:


I would definitely buy a T-shirt or hat from a merch store to support. Not sure how beneficial that would be to those who operate the forum or if it would be more work than it’s worth. As a consumer I like the idea. If we could get @shizzlemetimbers to make the designs it would be game over.


This is a great idea! I wonder which cards you would sign… :thinking:

I always sign GB Meowth #10 which is going to get expensive.

No I will not sign a different card don’t even SUGGEST IT.


If you are gonna keep that up, that’s insane!

But it’s a great card to sign :slight_smile:

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This sounds like a fun idea!

As for E4 merch, its something that has been kicked around for a long time, but I am just too boomer to figure out how to do it! I know there are sites now that do all the leg work. If someone could explain it like I am 5, and preferably hold my hand, its something we could do! :sweat_smile:


then you have a limited edition one

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I just want a fruit of the loom one billion XL with the E4 logo on it and my username to flex tru inner circle status.


gg only one user has my signature, invest now

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[POP 1!]

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Shirts with usernames have been a cool idea for ages! I just need to make it a reality! :sunglasses:


These would be so helpful for in person events