We’ve had decades of fire/water/grass starters chosen for us. If you could have any 3-stage evolution pokemon as a starter, which would you choose for your first partner pokemon?
My top 3 would be:
- Beldum
- Aron
- Mareep
We’ve had decades of fire/water/grass starters chosen for us. If you could have any 3-stage evolution pokemon as a starter, which would you choose for your first partner pokemon?
My top 3 would be:
I wanna see a split evolution starter like Poliwrath/Politoed
That way you can choose if you want to take the bipedal degenerate route or the classic monster route
On a completely unrelated note, Buneary > Lopunny > M Lopunny is a good option for starter
I think Horsea is a great one. I always liked that Kingdra is dragon type
This would actually be novel idea for a starter. Followed by version exclusive starters
Mysterious fossil → Kabuto → Kabutops
Also starting with a baby pokemon would be fun.
Pichu → Pikachu → Raichu
Magby, Litwick or Mareep would be fun as a starter.
I was going to say the Abra line, but Abra doesn’t learn any offensive moves until it evolves so it wouldn’t be a good first Pokemon. I just played Let’s Go Pikachu and used Nidoking and thought that would actually be a good starter Pokemon for trainers in Kanto that don’t have connections to a Pokemon professor. So I would say Nidoran male/female would be a good choice.
The nido lines are classic. If abra started with something like confusion it would be a winner
Agree with mareep. Would also vote swinub and caterpie.
I would say Gengar line but the trade evolution gimmick kills this idea.
But imagine a Spinoff game where everything is Halloween/Ghost themed and the whole pokemon world is more into classic Tim Burton’ish style. May be it’s a gloomy little european region witha location near dark forests and swamps with some abandoned castles/villages.
All gyms are ghost and dark gyms. And the whole plot is about witches and wizards and magic.
And your starters are
That sounds lovely, a non-traditional game for sure.
Psyduck~ golduck~ revert it back to psyduck.
Goomy, shinx, and trapinch. I think a slime that turns into an odd dragon, cutesy electric cat into fierce electric jaguar, and insect that evolves with wings would be awesome visually and as a kid to imagine being in that world would be amazing.
Porygon-Porygon2-Porygon Z