Bakaboon ばかぶーん (“Idiot”) is a card game developed by Imakuni and published by Creatures Inc. in 2002. The premise is to use combinations of when
, where
, who
, what
, and how
to form sentences. It involves 2-6 players [1].
It was sold as a deck of 67 cards with a handful of duplicates. There was also a promotional set of 16 cards.
The deck was originally showcased at Battle Road 2002 [2] where Imakuni signed a handful of cards. For example:
This was then recapped in the 2002 June Issue of CoroCoro magazine [3].
The promo set of 16 cards were distributed as packs of 4 random cards. These were given out in two ways [4]:
- Given out 7/20-8/11/2002 in person (not sure exactly where)
- Given out to a random selection of 30 people who completed A quiz blocked by a secret password on Imakuni’s website.
Some screenshots of the website are shown below [5]:
For the people who got the cards from the website, Imakuni also included a drawing of them and a handwritten letter:
Base Set
# | Type | Title (JP) | Title | Image |
1 | when / いつ | お正月 | New Year | |
2 | when / いつ | ムホー! | Muhoo! | |
3 | when / いつ | キラメク星空の夜 | Sparkling starry night | |
4 | when / いつ | フランス革命の頃 | Around the time of the French Revolution | |
5 | when / いつ | ここ100年ぐらいの間に2回 | Twice in the last 100 years | |
6 | when / いつ | 毎朝 | Every morning | |
7 | when / いつ | 夕べ | evening | |
8 | when / いつ | ギラギラした夏 | A dazzling summer | |
9 | when / いつ | 夜が明けるまで | until dawn | |
10 | when / いつ | 19XX年 | 19XX | |
11 | when / いつ | イナゴが大量発生した日 | The day when a large number of locusts appeared | |
12 | when / いつ | 復讐の夜 | night of revenge | |
13 | where / どこで | 燃えるような恋をした! | I fell in love with a fiery heart! | |
14 | where / どこで | スッポンポン! | Softshell turtle! | |
15 | where / どこで | 箱根の山道で | On the mountain path in Hakone | |
16 | where / どこで | パリで | in paris | |
17 | where / どこで | 寺で | at the temple | |
18 | where / どこで | プールで | at the pool | |
19 | where / どこで | 図書館で | at the library | |
20 | where / どこで | アリゾナで | in arizona | |
21 | where / どこで | コンビニで | At a convenience store | |
22 | where / どこで | レンタルビデオ屋で | At the video rental store | |
23 | where / どこで | タンスのうらで | Behind the dresser | |
24 | where / どこで | 公衆便所で | in a public toilet | |
25 | who / だれが | 校長先生に表彰された。 | Awarded by the principal. | |
26 | who / だれが | ポルトガル人が見ていた。 | The Portuguese were watching. | |
27 | who / だれが | 係長がいなくなった。 | The chief is gone. | |
28 | who / だれが | イマクニ?が | Imakuni? but | |
29 | who / だれが | FBIが | The F.B.I. | |
30 | who / だれが | コンビニの店員が | A convenience store clerk | |
31 | who / だれが | 坊さんが | The monk | |
32 | who / だれが | 八百屋のご主人が | The owner of the greengrocer | |
33 | who / だれが | ヨメと姑が | Yome and mother-in-law | |
34 | who / だれが | サバ業者が | Mackerel traders | |
35 | who / だれが | 毛むくじゃらの人が | a hairy person | |
36 | what / なにを | おしゃれ着に着がえた。 | I changed into stylish clothes. | |
37 | what / なにを | 部族のギシキをとりおこなった。 | He took charge of the tribes rituals. | |
38 | what / なにを | タエコを | Taeko | |
39 | what / なにを | カブトムシを | beetle | |
40 | what / なにを | 日本語吹き替え版ビデオを | Japanese dubbed video | |
41 | what / なにを | サバを | mackerel | |
42 | what / なにを | 柔道部員を | judo club members | |
43 | what / なにを | 海水パンツを | saltwater pants | |
44 | what / なにを | 未確認生物を | unidentified organisms | |
45 | what / なにを | ウンコを | poop | |
46 | what up / どうした | ギュッと抱きしめた。 | I hugged her tightly. | |
47 | what up / どうした | 召喚した。 | Summoned. | |
48 | what up / どうした | ポロリ。 | Porori. | |
49 | what up / どうした | 棚に並べた。 | I lined it up on the shelf. | |
50 | what up / どうした | イッキに飲みほした。 | I drank it all in one go. | |
51 | what up / どうした | 密輸した。 | I smuggled it. | |
52 | what up / どうした | しりにつめた。 | I stuffed it on my butt. | |
53 | end /おわり | ウッフン | Woohoo | |
54 | help / お助けカード | これいらね! | I dont need this! | |
55 | help / お助けカード | お次はアナタ | Youre next | |
56 | help / お助けカード | 全取替 | Total replacement | |
57 | help / お助けカード | だれか助けて | someone please help me | |
58 | help / お助けカード | シャッフル | shuffle | |
59 | help / お助けカード | ムホートマー! | Muhotmaa! | |
60 | when / いつ | 今日アイツとケンカして…わかれたよ… | I had a fight with him today…we understood… | |
61 | what up / どうした | 発見した時 | when I discovered | |
62 | what up / どうした | くるったように | like a twirl | |
63 | help / お助けカード | いただきます! | Ill enjoy having this! | |
64 | who / だれが | |||
65 | who / だれが | Blank | ||
66 | what up / どうした | Blank | ||
67 | Blank |
Here are the backs of the cards:
Promo Set
# | Type | Title (JP) | Title | Photo |
1 | いつ / when | こんな時代だからこそ | Because of times like this | |
2 | いつ / when | サチコは思わずタカオを | Sachiko can’t help but look at Takao. | |
3 | どこで / where | 宇宙快速「ラピッドマスター」で | Space express Rapid Master | |
4 | どのような / like what | ビキニスタイルの | bikini style | |
5 | だれが / who | マーガレット・コズボーンが | margaret cosborne | |
6 | だれが / who | 群衆が | the crowd | |
7 | だれが / who | 平家が | The Heike | |
8 | なにを / what | 大家さんを | the landlord | |
9 | なにを / what | ルーファラ・コズボーンを | Rufala Cosborne | |
10 | なにを / what | あの頃のオレを | Me from back then | |
12 | どうした / what up | 映画化! | Film adaptation! | |
13 | ||||
14 | ||||
15 | お助けカード / help card | まだ勝負はわからないぜ! | I don’t know the outcome yet! | |
16 | バクダン指令 / bomb directive | ものまねをやるのだ!! | Let’s imitate!! |
I also have seen this photo from @hapycakeoven on Instagram [6]:
The promos also had this back:
Help Wanted
If you have scans or pictures of the promo set, please let me know and I will happily add them to this post – thank you!
- 0: Google Sheets: Setlist and more research of mine
- 1: livedoor.jp: Bakaboon Overview
- 2: pokeboon.com: Battle Road 2002 Preview
- 3: CoroCoro Magazine: June 2002
- 4: pokeboon.com: Battle Road and Festa 2002 Recap
- 5: Web Archive: Imakuni.com
- 6: Instagram.com @hapycakeoven