I’ve seen a variant of the pikachu autumn battle road promo with a gold stamp. Is the gold stamp rarer, and how much so? I was told there’s only a handful of psa 10’s and psa doesn’t differentiate between the gold stamp and no stamp so the pop of the gold stamp is estimated to be 3 or less I heard. So estimate value on both non stamp and stamp?
Link to card in question
The stamped version is a prize given to “stage 3” winners, whereas the regular version is a participation prize. I’m not overly familiar with how the tournament worked, but I can only assume this means there are 8 times fewer stamped cards than there are non-stamped ones.
PSA’s pop report lists 4 cards marked as “Autumn Battle Road-No Stamp”, so I think they have now started to differentiate between the two.
PSA’s APR page lists 2 sales for the card, both this year. A PSA 8 stamped card which sold for $35 and a PSA 9 non-stamped card which sold for $27.33 a month earlier. Make of this what you will.
Could an admin someone merge these two threads? www.elitefourum.com/t/japanese-pikachu-autumn-battle-road-promo/23385/1
I got this guy asking for an offer higher than $200 for the card. Seems not worth it to me, but I am interested in these types of limited quantity event cards. I’m probably not gonna do the deal unless someone wants to add their opinion in on the topic