Insatiable want for more and more? Is this a problem?

Serious problem or nah? I have been seriously collecting for only 2 or so years (since I got my first job) and since then have always wanted more and more. Even when I have just bought a card for several hundred dollars, as soon as I have that card in my hands, I am thinking about what my next purchase should be 4 months down the road. This want for more and more cards (and material things in general) never stops. It feels like it is an endless void that can never be filled. I am just wondering if this is normal for collectors or if I might have a problem? Thanks so much! :blush:

It depends. If your a collector who started saying they’ll only collect x set of cards and you now find yourself unable to stop that’s a problem. If you’ve always had an open mind about wanting different things that’s just being a collector

Welcome to the human condition my friend

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Sounds normal to me. I know I do that. You gotta set some kind of limit tho… like X amount of dollars spent every month or something. Don’t wanna dig the hole too deep without making sure you still have a way out.

Once you dig too deep you can only keep digging. If cartoons are right than if you keep going you’ll reach China and everything will be cheap.


are we on


Are you telling me I’m not on