Thinking of making some Pokémon Instagram posts. Any advice, hot takes, or warnings?
Just go for it Fella
Write personal/interesting captions. I like reading what people’s collections mean to them personally
Post more of the unusual items or cards of meaning that you have. I’m tired of seeing PSA 9 and 10 WOTC cards over and over again with no story besides “one more down to complete my set!”.
my advice is to unfollow someone the second they post a story about drama
Love seeing the stories behind cards. Pictures of slabs or random cards are a dime a dozen – I’d go to reddit or the PSA registry if I wanted that.
Started following a few new Pokemon accounts to try and grow my account. A week later they were spamming razzes and I instantly unfollowed
Just post content you like to see yourself. And don’t get caught up in all the social media hype and influencer garbage and what not. People who think they are celebrities/have big ego’s because they have a couple thousand Instagram followers are some of the worst people out there.
Look up Dizzle for a good example. he da Instagram GOAT
Whatever you do, don’t repost the same card multiple times (with different pictures and captions). Also don’t use vague, opened ended question as the caption for pictures either… and lastly never ask your IG followers “which card is your favorite or do you prefer?”
Don’t go berserk with the emojis, humanity is retarded enough as is.
Also, like @kpod mention, don’t ask “which card is your favorite?” or any other empty bullshit question to boost the comment section algorithm.
Do whatever you feel like doing with it. You don’t have to be mainstream or follow trends. I post pictures of beer and Pokémon cards because those are two of my favorite things in the world. We actually have a small sub-community now. Be creative
At first I was super try hard with the hashtags and everything. Now I just post my favorite mail day items like once a week with a little caption behind it.
first post, best post.
I agree with other sentiments expressed in this thread as well: I love seeing personal anecdotes to go with the pictures
How dare you tell someone to unfollow drama. I’m going to Instagram right now to tell people how bad you are for the pokemon drama community followed by a twitlonger and a YouTube video.
Post pics of cards you like and make sure you use tags. Try to make your caption interesting. Just try to have fun.