Over the last 40 years I’ve shipped truckloads of international packages and have seen what I thought was everything. Empty packages, packages that had expensive items ADDED to it, even packages that took 3 trips around the world to finally arrive…BACK TO ME?
Well, this was a new one on me. Ever see this?
@garyis2000 , just guessing here, but maybe related to some trade restrictions between the US and the destination country?
A less plausible explanation could be that the buyer has international warrants which would limit his ability to receive exports. I’ve heard my fair share of stories about people trying to use collectibles to launder money.
Either way, curious to find out what the exact reason was. Keep us posted.
I didn’t get to see the edited the photo/address, so my first guess is perhaps the person you’re sending it to is on the Federal Treasury Blocked Persons list?
You can try looking it up first, this may be the first step to see if it’s a government thing:
I remember hearing that a girl in my high school around 10 years ago couldn’t fly here in the US because her name matched some Irish terrorist or something like that. I could believe it matching this but you’d think the buyer would already know this wasn’t going to work for them.
I used to have to do export control checks for a company I worked for. We had to check the customer’s name against a blacklist to make sure we weren’t sending items to any bad actors. There is also a list of sanctioned persons who we could not ship to. I do not think the person’s name would be enough to deny export. However, if the person’s name and country/province/address matched what they had on file, then they will probably deny export. You will probably have to fill in some extra forms or hire an exporter to help you send the package so that it is not denied again.
Knowing you, it wasn’t something “lightweight” and a heavy hitter. How much was the packaged insured for? I had closed a deal for a base box last week to ship from Canada to the States and in the end I refunded the guy (pretty known YT/IG guy) because he opted to buy it locally as to not have the package refused on my end. He pointed me in the direction of a few sales on IG where people from the USA were freaking out about because their items were being shipped back from US customs because of the high value of the items. Things like a Neo Gen 1st box, a Skyridge, some other transaction with slabs, etc. On my end, I don’t think I would have had issues sending TO the States, as the CA customs is pretty thorough and our mail system doesnt seem to be lagging anywhere near what’s going on with you guys there in terms of misplaced or lost packages, etc.
So if the package was insured for a lot, I believe that was clearly the issue. There’s a pattern of the US customs refusing high value packages right now to X international destinations.
Package declared for full amount and was taxed 20+% import charges. I was not willing to pay for it and it was returned to the sender. Sent to my address of citizenship.
Package declared for a full amount sent to my address in the states. It was sent by DHL and they contacted me asking for my social security, passport etc. It was rejected as I was not a US citizen.
I know it didn’t leave the USA, that’s my point. They are REFUSING packages that are insured for big amounts / have high value amounts for customs. The risks are too great these days and the mail/logistic chains globally are seriously hurt and all over the place. Not to mention as others mentioned, there’s that ban list that is being enforced much more heavily these days, there are very big money laundering/money moving in and out that is of great concern to big nations right now, etc.
And that is what I saw from others these past few weeks who had big ticket items sent back to them because of how high the packages were valued at or insured for. good luck!
USPS or Fedex have just dropped off the packages, even when they are supposed to obtain signatures. I’ve literally had the postal person say “i’ll sign it for you” and then gave me the package…
I guess it’s 2020 and the law/rule doesn’t mean very much…