I want to continue the topic of @smpratte 's latest video.
Is Champions Path The Next Hidden Fates?
Short answer:
No. It’s currently being somewhat overhyped after the huge success of HIF. The international version of the upcoming S4a Sword & Shield High Class Pack Shiny Star V set might be what collectors are waiting for in the future.
Long answer:
Well then… PrimalLugia? What could the next Hidden Fates then?
S4a Sword & Shield High Class Pack Shiny Star V is going to be the successor of SM8b GX Ultra Shiny so far from what the set description is saying. It’s the next High Class Pack set for Japan. Alot of people already know what kind of sets these are (BoXY, SM4+, SM8b, SM12a etc.)
Official sell sheet description translated:
190 cards included + Secret rare cards.
1 Box contains 10 packs (10 cards per pack).
1 guaranteed V or VMAX per pack.
Several staples for players will be reprinted.
New cards will also be included, notably V, VMAX and Supporter(s) with original concepts.
Will contain about 190 different cards, so that even heavy buyers won’t get bored easily
Many Shiny Pokémon will be included
Will CPA be the next HIF? Probably not, of course if it will contain Charizard VMAX HR, it would create alot of buzz and hype. I think the set is being somewhat overhyped right now. But TPCi is really quiet about this set right now. Either the set is really average and comparable to Dragon Majesty with only 1 real big chase card for the collector, or they are keeping huge surprises from us.
Alot of collectors thought HR VMAX Zard was going to be included in Darkness Ablaze, but i’ve stated it before, that Japanese Starter deck cards usually don’t get a higher rarity in International sets before Japan does. VMAX Charizard is a VMAX Starter Deck card in Japan.
The difference with HIF is, is that you could enjoy many shiny cards, and not open packs to get and pray for only 1 chase Charizard card. That is the strength of Hidden Fates( GX Ultra Shiny), variety.
Hidden Fates was very popular because of the Shiny Vault subset, so essentially SM8b GX Ultra Shiny was the main reason. The same reason Japan was going crazy at launch after the huge success when the GX Starter Decks were a massive hit (and the V Starter Decks are a huge hit too now):
(please check this twitter moment)
The set outside of the Shiny Vault subset from HIF, was actually quite a boring/weak set with many cards from the Family Pokémon Card Game set, which included so many useless vanilla cards to fill the set up with (the artwork is of course good). Ideal for the casual collector of course.
I also personally don’t expect Amazing Rares in CPA, since the set name of the International November 2020 set, Vivid Voltage sounds it might contain ARs. The term Vivid in the set name might refer to the Amazing Rares. But I could be wrong, everyone wants to see AR’s being in CPA, since it’s a special set.
Champion’s Path isn’t going to be the same set in terms of similar contents (Shiny Cards), that is for certain. S4a Shiny Star V will. Curious if Creatures will release a Shiny VMAX Charizard in November when the set releases.
Time will tell.
Now I have probably sparked a discussion over here haha.