Is it possible to weigh WotC blisters?

I’m about to buy some sealed WotC boosters, and even if I’m not planning on opening them, I’d be thrilled to come across unweighed ones.

I’ve noticed that there are a few unopened blisters on eBay, and I’m curious as to whether these are weighable as well. If the additional packaging makes them unweighable (i.e. if the packaging weight varies enough to make weighing unreliable), I’d happily pay a little extra for that assurance.

Also, are there any known tampering methods that I should be on the lookout for? I’d hate to buy a blister in which the booster pack has been replaced with a weighed/resealed booster pack.

Blisters can be weighed but not as efficiently as raw boosters. People on here will always say assume any loose booster is weighed. Another concern would be that whoever is selling the loose blisters already opened a few from the case and then stopped once they pulled the rare card.

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This ^^^. And, just to add, if you’re buying a Shadowless blister, it almost always has Unlimited cards inside for this very same reason. They are typically pulled from a case, several are opened, and found to contain Unlimited cards. Then, the remaining blisters are most likely weighed, and then sold as “Shadowless blister NO guarantee the cards inside are Shadowless though!”


I see, thanks!

That’s actually something I didn’t think of. Were there always a single sought after card per case, or how did that work?

I’m not looking for shadowless boosters yet (nor do I know if I ever will), but I’ll definitely keep this in mind!