Is the booster box market being manipulated higher right now

Unless you find a warehouse full of base boxes it doesn’t matter.

More base packs are being opened today than there should be, which only will drive price higher.


Just a few things concern me that the prices of booster boxes are overextended, in a bubble, inflated, manipulated, whatever you want to call it.

When have boxes ever doubled in price in 2 months? Base set boxes were literally 5k 2 months ago and now they are selling for close to 10k??? and most other boxes are following around the same 90% 100% increase trend.

Like I said, not complaining about prices and I know Pokemon doesn’t follow any trends the stock market does but if you ever saw the stock market or the housing market double in value in 2 months would you believe it is a legitimate rise and new market price?


Ya I understand that and I have only been back in the hobby for about 5 years now but have never seen this level of price movement. Even when a lot of the Poketubers started there channels or started getting popular a few years ago and were opening vintage packs and boxes.

I guess just seeing things double in price that fast makes me a little skeptical…

You can build more houses and split stocks, you cant make more base boxes. People are bored and are spending less money on other hobbies.

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Ya but if you look at other collectable markets like magic, yu-gi-oh, comic books, art, collectable coins pick one. You may see 1 or 2 items here or they sky rocket but have you ever seen any of those markets as a whole double in 2 months… Just saying its suspicious…

Thing is, prices aren’t even that high. Regular people spend $ buying watches, cars and all sorts of other things. Pokemon is a huge franchise, if someone wants a $20k box just to have something from his childhood which in his mind is priceless, you better believe he will spend that money.

Unless someone drops a huge amount of boxes out there in the market, these prices are fully sustainable and will keep rising.

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I agree about the dollar amount means absolutely nothing. I don’t care if its 1k to 2k, 2k to 4k, or 5k to 10k. Just saying in the past years its take a long time for prices of items to raise in value and definitely a year or 2 for prices to double. Its just rising at such a rapid rate that I feel like eventually people are gonna get caught with their hands in the cookie jar so to speak.

I guess its just me…

Discussion like this can be continued in the Giant Market Thread! It also looks like the OP has been deleted, so not sure what we’re responding to.

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