Is there a tool I can use to tell prices sold on Ebay?

I used to use watchcount but recently it doesn’t seem to work anymore. I was almost certain this forum had a tool I could use to tell prices accepted from best offers. If I’m incorrect, is there an alternative site I can use to tell prices?

Yeah this forum had a tool, but it too was blocked by eBay and no longer works

If you right-click, then click on page source, you can do a ctrl+f for ‘taxexclusiveprice’, which will give the sale price. Shoutout to @rattledkarp for this tip.


Oh that is awesome! I’ll have to try it out later today! Thanks

1 Like works pretty well


That was fun for the week that it worked. it doesn’t show best offer but it will list everything sold for that card on eBay in the past 2 years

One of our members made a Chrome extension that does exactly this.

I would tag him, but i don’t know his e4 username. He is “Ash” on Discord and rocks a Tyler the Creator avatar.

  1. Download the zip file and extract it on your computer.
  2. Load the custom extension into Chrome
  3. Go to the ebay original listing page and it will appear automatically.

I and many others use it. Trustworthy and contains nothing malicious and no affiliate links.

Works on Desktop only. No phones or tablets.

Basically does the same thing as what @caughtatpoint mentioned, but automates it.

Guys no need for crazy workarounds. Just use 130point. It even has results for other countries.