Is there any trading done/allowed on efour?

I don’t really see anything about trading on the forum, only buying/selling. Wondering if this is allowed or not as I’m looking to get uncommons/commons to complete older sets and have plenty of wotc and ex series extra bulk I want to trade for commons I don’t have.

Sadly it is not allowed

The Elite Fourum Rules state:

2.1. Unless specifically approved by a staff member, No Sales or Trade threads allowed.

Damn, oh well. Thanks guys

Efour got rid of trading mid last year I believe.

For someone who’s new, why was trading banned vs buying/selling?

Trades were very rarely successful. Almost everyone wants to trade up and nobody wants to trade down. Also, trade threads often were disguised as sale threads, people would put up a list of high-end and desirable stuff that they wanted to trade for and then throw down a list of 75 cards conveniently up for sale on their eBay at the same time.

The only market activity that is allowed on E4 is buying.


Makes sense, thanks for the reply!