Is this Charizard (french) legit?

Added this card to my collection from facebook marketplace. But I am really scared that this Charizard that I bought is fake. Thoughts?

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Check for a black strip running along the edge of the card in the centre between the two white parts. I have this in a psa 9 nice choice.

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Welcome to e4!

What makes you think that the card is fake?

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Welcome! Looks real at first glance. What warning signs are you seeing that might lead you to believe it’s fake?

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Im fairly new to pokemon collecting but I thought maybe the coloration was a bit weird but seems legit! Thanks everyone for the replies

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Thanks! Im fairly new to pokemon and picked up for a decent price. I thought maybe the coloration was off and holofoil looked a but different but I guess not!

It looks good to me!

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If you’re worried about this just check in every possible way that it doesn’t look like it’s made of plastic.
Best way is asking additional pics or even a small video of the card reflecting.


I know I’ve linked the 25th anniversary, but not some long ago 1st edition base set too was sold in the same way. I’ve seen listing of that myself on different market places.
More examples:
Dracaufeu, Charizard, Glurak

This one seems legit by the front, but if you’re worried maybe asking before having already purchased it it’s better! Take care

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It looks real to me! Does it have Holo Bleed?

That French base set charizard is my white whale at the moment

Sell it to me! Haha


It seems legit to me, I’ve already seen quite a few of them (I’m French).

“If you can touch them they’re real” :joy:

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